Aphrodite/Echo/ Exho

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Hello, my name is Exho/Echo my Server name is Aphrodite. I am based off of the gods Aphrodite, nyx, (the hero) achilles, and Hestia. I have the godly abilities of: shape shifting (only in to other mammals), I can navigate anywhere anytime no matter what, I can use the stars to send messages or to understand the navigational pattern, emotional strength/mental stability, and the ability to calm anyone/make them comfortable in any situation.

I am a God who married into the gods, I have no parents nor siblings only a wonderful spouse named Jaden/jade. They are a strong God and I am proud to have married them (platonically!). I also have one child named Alex and I love them dearly except they've told me they feel like their other parent isn't doing anything to contribute and feels as though their other parent doesn't love them. It was very upsetting to hear... My powers I kind of weaker compared to other gods but I am good on long trips, and I am amazing for long distance communication, because of my powers I can communicate using different powers of the stars I can change the way they move or the constellations to spell things, draw things, or just entertain myself! My navigation powers are very fun I can just think of a beautiful place full of trees and rivers and it'll lead me to a similar place! I mostly try to keep everyone feeling safe especially if they're in a situation where they don't feel safe, being able to make everyone feel calm and at ease is amazing especially in such a loud and stressful home. I keep candy in my purse because he doesn't want candy and I keep extra clothing just in case someone needs it. I love being able to shape shift especially when A few people have similar abilities! I'm trying my hardest to keep up with the family even though I don't always feel like I belong, most of the time Jaden helps me feel better about it.

End of story theme

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