The goat problem🌌

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Echo/exhos POV

Ok, okay, I may have caused the problem but it wasn't my fault! Do you see I am the god Of the stars the kind of comfort The god of home. I can navigate anywhere that I think of. And I can change the stars and constellations! But I can also shape shift... only into mammals of course. And let's just say One day me and the other family Shapeshifter got a little argument 🤏.
And we started, what the rest of the family calls: THE ULTIMATE DUMB-ASS PRANK WAR

Add this point the prank war had been going on for about 2 1/2 years, so a while. TUDAPW (The ultimate dumb ass prank war) was doing great!
Me (Exho) and Kai we're going back-and-forth causing immense chaos in the other persons life, they would turn into my light switch and flicker until I passed out, and I would turn into little animals to annoy them. But of course, I could only turn into mammals so I couldn't be a bird or a fly I had to be a bat or a goat or an elephant or a monkey. Which made it so there wasn't really much on the table. But let's just say one day they went to far.....

They had turned into my mirror; on an accident they meant to turn into my diary adding a little notes and comments on people in it, but they didn't realize they had turned it to my mirror, So they started making mean comments... The comments then again were made for people in my diary not directed at me! As soon as I realized what was happening, I got really mad........

I turned into a goat
And I rammed into Exho The first time I saw them in human form again.

They were in the infirmary forrrrrr.........
A few weeks(5).
I didn't hurt them that bad. (I broke eight of their ribs and almost completely dislocated all the hip joints)
They weren't mad at me. (they almost gouged my eye out with their own two thumbs)
I and all in all everything was fine. (I was grounded for eight months and not allowed to shape shift for a year)

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