Questttttttt..... UGH

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Ghostie POV:

Ok.... We have to go on a quest to assist the village of azalea. They are sending us and a team of three other gods (they never told us who) because they believed the gods were the only people who could take down this sort of creature. Apparently this creature adapts to your worst fears, but if you have a fear that cannot be embodied as a creature or a person it will give you that feeling; like The feeling of falling. It will give you that jolt that triggers that fear whatever will put you into a panic. And we have to fight it?
If it wasn't for the rulers formal invitation I wouldn't have said yes in fact I would've said: 'fuck noooooo!' But alas here we are. I have already informed my crew: Me✨, and kaiki 🐐, it would have been just us too if it weren't for the fact that Kaiki is very grounded from shape shifting which normally wouldn't be a problem except for the fact that our prophecy (their in quest Group B as I call it I don't know the person) said that we need kaiki to be able to shape shift sooooooo Neptune is also coming. Oh and apparently someone decided to give Nep. An extra power: The ability to create any resource that is wanted or needed at the time, YO TF! I was never made aware that I could just ask for another power!!! bro if I knew that I would be so overpowered right now! Oh but I guess I do understand that it will come in handy so we don't have to waste packing space for food and water.... And wow ok Sazzy/buckets is coming cause they are powerful and can soooo........

Tonight is one of our last nights at home before we head off, UGHHHHH! We are all sitting at the table for dinner SNAZ DAMN it's a long table... taking a backflip out that stained glass window right now looking real temptin-

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