How to be a good mother

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12 June 1980, Narcissa Malfoy's pov

The newborn lay against my bare chest, gulping like he didn't drink for ages. It was the most beautiful view I ever could wish for. After years of trying and miscarriages, I finally had my little bean in my arms. The little boy with his white-blond hair and pink skin. He was such a perfect child, the perfect mix of Lucius and me. I was no failure anymore, I was the maker of life, the maker of the heir of the Malfoys. He began the whimper, because I moved a bit, so he couldn't drink anymore. And at the same time, Lucius came in. He walked towards me and kissed me on my cheek. "Hello, beautiful. How are you and our baby doing?" Lucius whispered gently in my ear, caressing my cheek with his knuckles this time. I smiled at him and put my hand on his fingers while my other hand made sure Draco still could eat. Draco was ill-tempered when he was hungry or over his dinner time.

" I am going to have some friends over today, and I want you and Draco also there." He said. I didn't feel like sitting with his death eater friends, especially not with Draco. As if he could read my mind he answered: "I don't want to hear a no. And by the way, your parents and my parents are also coming, so you have to be by my side." Of course, I couldn't say no, I was a proper pureblood wife. I ought to be on his side whenever he needed me, whenever we were with other people. "Okay, if you insist. I will not disappoint you."

After the afternoon I started to dress. I grabbed a baby pure blue-tinted dress which matched my pale skin. I curled my hair in a long lure and put it in a neat bun. My lips were marked blood red and my eyeshadow was dark, to accentuate my eyes. My nails were red, which matched my lips. They were short because otherwise, I couldn't caress Draco's soft baby skin. But I turned like bliss. I heard Draco crying from the other room, so I dropped everything and rushed to him. I went to his green and grey room and saw the white ancient crib immediately. His eyes were teary and red. While I pushed him against me, I hussed to him. "Hush, baby. Mama is right here." I kissed him on his wet lips and rubbed his back. My hand was making circles and went to his soft little and few blonde hairs to stroke that. When he was finally hussed, I went downstairs, since Lucius and his friends were already sitting there. Our parents also were there. When I walked with Draco in, everyone looked at us. I gave them my most brightest smile. "Ahh, Narcissa. We were just talking about you." While Lucius pulled the chair back so I could sit, he said that. He looked at me with love in his eyes, which melted my heart. 

The night went very boring, we talked about pureblood society and how we could improve that. And now we were at the point where we were talking about our children's future. And how bad Hogwarts was right now. And how Durmstrang was so many times better. At some point, the conversation turned about me or better said about how I was as a mother. I didn't know if I liked the fact they talked about me and my seven days of motherhood. " You have the whole time Draco in your arms, stop holding him. If you go on like this, he would be a soft kid later. He is going to be the Malfoy heir. That's not the right way to raise." My mother said. For some reason that hurt me. Without thinking, if I could be impertinent, I shouted: "I know how to take care of a baby. Not like some of you,'' I looked at my parents; ''I am going to raise him how I want. And I don't want anyone to talk about Draco like that. Otherwise, I want you to leave!'' Everyone was silent. Narcissa never talked back, never. She wasn't raised like that. But I, why did I snap? ''Oh, my, Lucius are you going to let your wife act like that? Make her behave.'' Abraxas said. I could see that Lucius was ashamed. I made him look like he was a crappy husband. I wish I could dig a grave. ''Narcissa!'' someone said and Crabbe was chuckling, and that was when Lucius snapped. He walked fast toward me and grabbed Draco from me and gave him to his mother. He grabbed then my shoulder and led me to walk with him to the hallway. He grabbed now both of my shoulders and said: ''Never act like that ever again. Otherwise, you wish you held your mouth.'' His voice was so icy. Without a warning, his hand hit my cheek hard. I fell almost to the ground, but Lucius held me by my arm. Some of my lures came out of the bun. I knew people in the living room could hear us, and that was the intention. He had to make sure I behaved. There was nothing such as women abuse. ''Go to our room and make yourself presentable again.'' he hissed when a tear began to roll.

I took the stairs immediately after he let my arm go and went to our bedroom. In my room, I sat at the dressing table in front of the mirror. There was no trace of his hand, only my eyes were red. I took off all my makeup. I took it off to replace it, but this time, not that dolled up. The fact that he kissed and caressed my cheek in the morning, but slapped it not even an hour ago. I stayed upstairs for a half-hour, and that made Lucius angry. I knew that since he came angry inside. First, he looked around to search for me, first he looked at the bed, probably thinking that I was crying in bed, and then his eyes meet mine. ''Are you dumb, or just stubborn? Didn't I say to you that you had to go upstairs to make yourself representable again? Why are you still here, you make me seem like a fool.'' The only thing I could think of was Draco, of course. ''Where is Draco, I want my baby.'' He didn't give me an answer, he just smirked. And suddenly he grabbed my chin, so I had to look into his cold silvern eyes, but I had already done that. ''He is by my mother, someone who knows how to handle a baby.''  ''What?'' He still smirked. ''Now you have to stay here, I don't want you down there anymore.'' To please him I said: ''If you want that, of course. I'll listen this time.''  '' Good girl.'' He brought my chin to his and kissed me on my lips. His tongue brushed my lips and his hand still held my chin. I don't know why, but I kissed him back greedy. After he was done, he walked away and closed the door. ''Good girl,'' I said it to no one in particular.

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