Part 17

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Ollie's pov: 

Ok so the police just got here and Jack booked it. I'm running through the forest because interesting stuff happens in forests. 💃

I ended up getting lost, walked into a tree and saw a cat. The cat was cute but didn't like me?? Like, who doesn't like me. I'm hot 🔥✨

I was waking when I heard a low growl. I rolled my eyes. "Haha funny Faith. Stop trying to scare me with your soundboard. It's not funny" I said. Then I remember Faith doesn't have her soundboard... Also Faith is too drunk to walk properly. I saw her running when the cops got here and she looked like she was high. 

When I turned around I saw Chad. He had wolf ears and tail. "I'm your daddy alpha now 😍👹💃🏃‍♂️😘🙄" he said. I looked him dead in the eyes and said " H A. " then I ran away at full speed. I AM NOT LETTING A DUSTY MUSTY CRUSTY MAN EAT ME TODAY. 

Chad caught me and said. "Mmmmm fresh meat". He then sprinkled some salt on me. "What meat are you talking about? White meat? Red meat? Di-" I was cut off. "Non of those. Human meat" He said. 

 All in the sudden I saw a small flash in the corner of my eye. When Chad and me turned around we saw a very drunk Faith, upset Y/N and Jack looking fine as hell in this moonlight. 😏👌

Faith looked up at Chad. "Put my friend down or I will *hick* eat your- I mean beat your a$$."  She said. I laughed. "Faith sir down your drunk" I said . "I'm not drunk" they said back. "Fine then. Tell the time" I said. Just trying to see if they could see straight. She looked at her watch. "I am not drunk" she said. " Faith lie down now" I said. I made sure to sound like an angry parent. "Yes sirRRr" Faith said.

Jack calmly walked up to the 11'69 man and punched him in the balls. Chad dropped me and we ran fast. Y/N stayed behind to do God knows what. I was carrying Faith because they fell asleep. Jack was running ahead. 

What a crazy night.

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