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OK this is not funny now the bullies have started again I suppose I should have expected it, well looks like they found out that my mother is a Luna wolf just another thing for them to attack me for, now they know I wasn't born on Baal, suppose I should be greatful that Calistarius hasn't left me yet but I suppose he dont care to him I was still raised on Baal so im still one of them.

Well I did get the answer from my father about the dreams he thinks that I am starting to come in to what I could be, well being a primarch's daughter it wouldnt suprise me but he also said it could be a nexus link forming between me and calistarius, my self I dont know it could be anything.

Well I can tell you something new I think im starting to fall in love with my best friend tho I dont know if he feels the same I will have to tell him how I feel just to see if he feels the same, well I hope he does my dad seems to think he does, thats mainly because hes seen how calistarius looks at me when he meets me at my house so we can walk to school.

Well back on to me then I do have a simple life and my father dont ask for much just the usual things parents ask for, but sometimes that can be annoying, like when me and calistarius where studying for a test we are always in my room so we can study better where it is quiet and I dont have to listen to my dad's meetings with Lord Commander Dante, then suddenly he will just enter my room with out knocking just to see if we are still studying, and im thinking what the hell dad what about a bit of privacy.

Well now how I began to see things differently between me and calistarius, well that is something different completely, as you know from the start we have been friends for a while now, so at school I finally told him how I felt about him and to my surprise he felt the same as I did now that really did come as a shock to me as it did to him as well so from there we started dating you know trying to keep it on the low down so bullies couldnt attack us for being in love, the next thing I know we are so close together that things got a little obvious that we where dating.

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