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Well my first day in school with out Calistarius how bad did it go now the bullies want to pick on me because I am alone maybe or because they know im pregnant wouldnt that be a shock maybe if they knew they wouldnt pick on me or maybe they would just so I loose the baby, oh man this is not so easy I wish it was, I wish every day I could leave this school for good and not return maybe then I would be happy I could be more useful if I was at home I wouldnt have anything to worry about I could just be me.

i'm thinking of asking my dad if I can stay home and be home schooled it may be easier I am not learning anything from school im hoping he says yes if he does I can be more me and not hide who I am I can be the primarch's daughter and never be judged for it that would be better for me, the next problem being will my father go for it oh I hope he does.

I asked my dad if I could be home schooled and he said yes, he thought it was a good idea cause then I can prepare for the time that I do become a Blood Angel, you know I didnt think that my dad would agree then again I am his only daughter so he would do anything for me I could cause so much trouble but my dad he would never think anything less of me all because all the good I do really out weighs the bad so at the end of the day no harm done.

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