Chapter 6: Only One. Not True!!!

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I turn to see Stiles' father enter the loft and I play the Stiles card as he makes a speech. I just about threw up as I stand there, and I hold up my hands thinking just kill me now. 

He clamps the cuffs around my wrist, and I look up as he finally realizes "You're not my son." I move my arms to break the cuffs and just as the cuffs clatter to the floor the reinforcements enter the room. 

I smirk as this is going to be fun and I look over to Allison as she lifts a taser at me. She pulls the trigger, but I see it long before they leave the taser and I catch the projectiles midair. 

I then force the taser from her and not long after the taser gun hits the wall Derek growls and lunges to attack but when I turn to face him he stops mid step. As I stare into his eyes, I feel his emotions and my eyes widen as I realize what he's feeling and what they mean. 

Soon I snap out of it as a thought comes to me and I smirk looking at him. I then say "Derek, come on over, here." He does as I say, and the smirk is still plastered on my face as I look from Derek at my side to the three left standing and Chris points arming his gun at me but Derek growls stepping in front as I feel the confusion coursing through the room along with anger. 

I soon feel as Chris' feeling change from confusion to one of recognition. He then says while still pointing the gun at Derek "Allison, remember I told you about never harming a wolfs mate." 

She says as I can feel her come to realize what he's getting at "You don't mean." He interrupts her stating "Yes! I'm afraid I do." 

I can still feel confusion and I look at the Sheriff explaining for Chris "Derek and I are apparently mates. If you need context for why you never harm a wolfs mate just look at Peter. 

He lost not only his mate but his whole family and on top of that he gets burned to the extent of being put into a coma for 6 years. So, unless you want another murdering hale running around, I suggest you lower your weapon and leave at once or I'll tell my protector to attack." 

I can feel the strife as Chris lowers his gun and says, "Come on let's go and tell Scott." He turns going out the door and soon Allison and very last Stiles' father leaves. 

I smirk as I look at Derek and he smiles at me saying "I didn't think I'd ever find a mate. Let alone a fox but I can see it now and if you . . ." 

I stop him from continuing as I know what he's going to say so I tell him while closing the distance "Derek, I feel the same but personally I thought kitsune's but more specially a void or dark type wasn't given a mate and I was doomed to live without anyone to call mine. So no, you're not going anywhere, and neither am I." 

I reach up cupping the side of his face in mine as I move his face to mine and when our lips touch sparks fly. . . Literally. I wrap my arms around his neck as he places his hand on my hips and I'm not complaining. 

After we part for air, I go to take off his shirt and he watches but doesn't stop me, so I completely take his shirt off. He then takes mine off and then I smirk grabbing his hand as I move through the shadows to get to his room in a blink of an eye. 

Now in the room I shove Derek down on the bed and move to kiss him. I then stand up to take my jeans off and as I take them off Derek follows along taking his off. 

Now both naked I go back on top, and I kiss him while stroking up and down his length. He moans out and I lower myself to devour him whole. 

He moans as I bob my head and we move in sync with one another. After a few hours and we switched every so often. We are now just lying beside each other wrapping our arms together as we just rest. 

As we lay resting, I start to think that even though we're different we are made for one another and no matter what we'll be there for each other, even through death we will still love, care and everything in between till the day we both die being reunited in death.



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