Chapter 5: Content & Happy

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I'm waiting with the Oni at the steps of the school when Derek and the twins show up. I smirk saying, "Did you bring us a present?" Derek retorts "I brought two." 

The twins come from either side of him, and they growl as I say "I've heard of an alpha pack Derek but not a pack of former alphas. It's kinda sad, isn't it?" Derek answers "I might not be an alpha anymore, but I can still fight like one." 

He growls, and I give a silent order to the Oni. They get ready to fight while they attack, I watch from a distance feeding on the pain. It takes a while but soon the whole pack comes, and they start killing off the Oni. 

I feel that the illusion trap I set for Scott and the others that aren't here got figured out by Stiles

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I feel that the illusion trap I set for Scott and the others that aren't here got figured out by Stiles. Meaning they'll be escaping, and I need to be there. I leave as the last of the Oni is destroyed and I go into the school seeing Scott, I take him out first cutting him off before he can finish. 

After cutting Scott off and Lydia and Stiles turn to see me. I look over at them and they start backing away while coming towards them. I can feel fear coming from Lydia but not Stiles. I can feel that he's nervous, and he's also confused. he might just be as confused as I am and I don't know what this is, but I have an idea.

Lydia stops so does Stiles, she puts her arm out protective like and that just pisses me off and she starts talking "you're not going to hurt . . ." I grab at her arm tossing her as she weighed nothing, and I look at Stiles. Going at Stiles, I shove him into the locker, and he opens his eyes as I smirk closing my eyes leaning in.

We kiss, and I find that the feelings I was feeling are indeed love and after the kiss I say "Sorry, I just hated seeing Lydia's arm wrapped around you and I got a little carried away."

He smiles looking down and I feel that he's shy as Stiles looks back up, he says "It's okay, I kinda like it when you get all high and mighty." I smirk at him, and I get off him while I looks at Stiles, I ask "Want to come with me?"

He smiles and says "yeah, I do." I reach my hand out and he takes it as we leave the school, I hear the pack calling out for him, but he doesn't look back as we continue walking not looking back.



Stiles and I have been together for 2 years now. I'm so bored and Stiles is still asleep, so I get an idea. I lean into him to bite his neck lightly and soon Stiles starts to stir.

As he stirs awake, he speaks through his tired just woken up brain and body "Void, I was asleep." I smirk on his neck as I get on top of him leaning down to look him in the eyes saying, "Well then, I can just stop and lay here doing nothing if that's what you want? Or I keep at it, and we can have some fun."

He smiles as he says, "Well since I'm up, let's have fun." I smirk again knowing I won leaning into his neck biting as I stand up to flip him to his stomach. I grind against his ass, and he moans as I flip him again.

I grab him by his arms helping him to sit on me and we kiss each other while we search every inch of each other's bodies. We fuck for hours and we're now just lying-in bed exhausted. I get up and Stiles asks, "Where you off to?"

I look over to him and smile before coming over to kiss him on the lips for a good while. When we part, I tell him while looking him in the eyes "I'm just going to make something to eat, and I'll bring it in here so you and I can have breakfast in bed." I kiss him again before going to the kitchen.

I decide to make a traditional breakfast and I start making everything. I start with the sausage and bacon. After those finish, I put the toast in the toaster and start cooking the eggs. 

Once it's all done, I make my way back to our room and I place it on the bed and get back under the blankets while Stiles starts eating the food. As he eats, I can feel that I did a good job but then his emotions switch, but I can't decipher them.

He swallows the food that's in his mouth as he tells me "Close your eyes, I have surprise for you." I tense up out of worry and fear, when Stiles reaches out to hold my hand and he kisses me on the lips. After we part, he smiles telling me "Please, it'll be worth it, promise."

I close my eyes and I hear him jump out of bed. I can't help but wonder and all I hear is him moving around. I hear him near me, but I wait for him to let me know it's okay to open my eyes when I feel him tap my shoulder.

I open my eyes and he hand me a letter. I start reading the letter that said "Dear Void, I wrote this letter a month in advance, and I hope you know I wouldn't change anything. If I had a chance to change anything I wouldn't and deep down I know you wouldn't either. I know we already say it a lot, but I thought I'd let you know I mean everything I do love you with all my heart and sure it's like kissing myself but hey I kinda like it. So, I don't care, and I don't care about what other people think. All I care about is you and that's all that really matters. We love each other and nothing about that will ever change. ~~Love Stiles~~

I lower the letter from my face seeing a wrapped gift on the bed, I look at Stiles and he nods with a big smile on his face. I look from Stiles to the carefully wrapped gift, and I slowly unwrap the wrapping as I don't want to ruin Stiles's hard work. After I finish unwrapping the gift, I lift the lid and pull out the gift looking at it I can't help as I smile.

Stiles's smile grows as I look at him and I say with the smile still on my face "Thank you Stiles, I love it. I'm going to put it right here." I lean over the bed putting the picture of the both of us on the bedside table on my side and I reach over grabbing Stiles and wrapping him in a hug.

He's in my lap and we start making out. After a few hours we're once again lying-in bed as he lays on me, Stiles says, "Happy anniversary, Void." I smile kissing the top of his head and say "Happy anniversary Stiles. I love you."

I kiss him again and he kisses me saying "I love you." We lay there until we fall asleep, and I feel Stiles' feelings of happiness and content. It makes me feel happy knowing Stiles is happy and I close my eyes falling asleep. For the first time in all my years I am happy and I'm even more happy it's with Stiles.



~~1300 words~~

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