The Start of a Never Ending Adventure

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It all started as a dream, where you found yourself wandering around hallways with yellow walls; in some places, the wallpaper was peeling off. You touched the wall. The wall was rough. You felt like someone, no, something was watching every action you took. The hallway seemed to go on forever, and after what you assumed to be about an hour of this never-ending maze, you started slowly losing all memory of falling asleep. Shortly after this scare, you felt more aware of your surroundings; it didn't feel like a dream anymore. You felt everything. You were horrified, and you slowly started to become more and more nauseated. You didn't know if it was the strong smell of the moldy carpet or how anxious you were. The floor was covered in a dirty, wet carpet. You didn't know what was in the carpet to make it aqueous or if it was drinkable. For a second, the thought of trying to drink the juices on the carpet came to mind because of how dehydrated you felt, but the liquid could be life-threatening. Plus, who knows what or whose liquid is contaminating the carpet? The sound of buzzing lights was so loud; you had heard many buzzing lights in your lifetime, but nothing this loud. You could barely hear your thoughts. It was driving you insane. The longer you stayed trapped in the maze, the more demented you became. You started hearing whispers. Most of them sounded like a child. You couldn't make out what they were saying until, finally, you could. It was louder and closer to you than the others. It told you, "The emptiness will haunt you". Goosebumps covered your skin. Maybe it would've been better if you still couldn't understand what the voices were trying to tell you. You turned around and spotted a door. You got overfilled with excitement, but when you tried running to it, you kept getting teleported back to where you started. All you could feel at this moment was despair. Your heart dropped as you watched the door disappear into thin air. You felt heartbroken after you realized the door was never real and that it was all a hallucination. You were able to keep walking forward after a few tries. After a couple of long, fearful hours filled with only exploring the same direction, you had been teleported into a strange room. The walls had a design similar to the walls in your grandparents' bathroom. The lights were a dark orange-like color. There was a wooden table with a wooden chair in the middle of the isolated room, and you were suddenly flooded with confusion and fear. What didn't help is that you started hearing loud knocking from the other side of the walls; your heart was in your stomach, and there was a lump stuck in your throat. You sat in the corner of the small, cramped room in fear of any possibility. Everything that you deemed impossible in the past, is possible here, and you're aware of that. You wanted to approach some books in front of you, but you were scared. Fearful of what could happen if you opened them. After a while of preparing yourself for any possibility, you walked up to them. You grabbed the first one you could. You were greeted by scribbling describing the concept of noclipping. "Noclipping; the act of running into an object at such high speeds that you go through the object without breaking it." It seemed so interesting, and you started to feel at peace. You didn't want to leave this room anymore; you liked it here, but it felt as if something was forcing you to enjoy it. You got lost in the thought of noclipping, how was it possible? You kept reading, "Noclipping is the best way into the backrooms; (where you are now) There are many other ways into the backrooms, but noclipping is the easiest. Some people get here by accident, and many others get here after thousands and thousands of attempts. Noclipping is also how you get into certain levels of the backrooms. A good example is getting into level 179, there's a window with an image on it in level 188, and noclipping into this window teleports you to level 179". You weren't quite sure what "levels" were. So, you proceeded to pick up a book that seemed to be on levels 140–200. You wondered how many levels there might be. Right as you opened the book, you read "Levels-the Way of the Backrooms. Every level of the backroom differs. Some levels have entities that only spawn on that level. For example, level 974, it's a pink-styled home with Hello Kitty decorations all around. There's only one entity, Kitty, a black figure standing 3.2 meters tall. Kitty watches you, and he's curious; he has been reported hostile if you stay too long. He's on no other level, just 974. The main goal of every level is to decamp, but in some levels, escaping is nearly impossible. In basically all of the levels, there is a chance of dying. There's a survival difficulty on each level based on how dangerous the level is, the higher the survival difficulty, the lower the chance of survival." You then had a chill go down your spine. You had a theory that you could die since this strange dream began, but having it confirmed was horrifying for you. You proceeded to turn the page, "Level 140; level 140 (Hostile Fores), is a survival difficulty four, which means the level is unsafe and has a high entity count. It's always sometime in the afternoon when you first enter. After being stuck in this level for around a week, entities start to appear, and..." it went dark, pitch black. All the buzzing you could hear before stopped. Now, all you could hear was what you believed to be other levels in the backrooms. Doors were slamming, machines were at work along with the sound of children crying. Usually, you'd be freaking out; any sane person would be in this scenario. The thing was, something in this cramped room made you feel invulnerable. After only an hour there, it was strange. You fell asleep peacefully, drooling on the hard wooden table.

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