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You were so worn out but, your curiosity got the best of you. You pushed yourself off the ground a little and looked at Blaze. He grabbed some mystery liquid and put it in his bag. When he got done, he threw you over his shoulders again, "Are you getting tired?" You didn't comprehend how tired you were until he said that. You knew you were a bit drained, but it hit you that you hadn't slept in a few days. Well, what felt like a couple of days. "Mhm" Right as you said that, he ran into a black house, and your heart dropped; you saw a bunch of entities. It was aphotic, but you could see these big smiles in the dark. Their teeth were colossal and probably the only light source in the tenebrous room. Blaze ran right into a dead body that was hanging on the wall. It was unrecognizable but seemed to be a woman. When he ran into the body, you guys were in a long hallway with a couple of drones; they seemed to be exploring the hallway. One had a speaker on it, and right when it saw you and Blaze a man's voice came booming through the speaker, he yelled "BLAZE GET OUT OF THERE NOW, YOULL DIE! NO ONE EVER MAKES IT OUT ALIVE.", "don't worry, we're good. Just don't tell anyone I'm here, Anthony" Blaze stayed serene while saying that. You didn't know where you guys were but, you did know you and Blaze were probably not going to make it out alive. Your heart was racing and your anxiety was through the roof. You weren't ready to die. Blaze kept running down the hallway, it seemed to go on forever. When you spotted some writing on the wall. a wave of sadness and despair hit you. When the hurt hit you it hit Blaze too, because he slowed down and broke down crying. "Blaze? What's wrong? Are you okay?", "no, no, I'm not okay. Fuck, why'd my dad have to die? He was the only person I had and he fucking died. He fucking cared and didn't starve me whenever I dropped something or cried. He didn't force me to drink my piss whenever I would get a B in school" While he was talking you started looking around to make sure you guys were safe. You didn't want to tell him to shut up but one stop and you guys could die. When looking around you saw a smile thing just like you had seen before. The smile was approaching you guys, and fast. You quickly grabbed Blaze's gun and shot it right in the eye, "Blaze, I don't wanna sound like a cunt, but this isn't the time. I can be there for you later but right now we need to focus on our survival" when you said that it hurt you, denying someone wanting to open up to you hurt but you had to. To keep him alive, "Yeah, you're right. I'm sorry; I'm starting to see why this level has a mental hazard. All we have to do is find a Partygoer and we can try to get out of here. It's said no one has got out alive using this exit, but I'm me, beautiful, intelligent, and lucky." Jesus fuck, didn't know Mirage is a real person, "umm, are there any other exits?". He smiled, "there is one, but only one person has got out using it" you didn't even listen to what he said really. You just heard yes. So, you immediately spat, "THEN LET'S USE THAT EXIT". He wrote something in Japanese with his finger on the wall which formed some door outside the hallway. He ran through it, "You know, no one has ever gone outside. I'm the only one that knows an exit, the only reason I wanted to come here was that people reported seeing shrines in the trees, and I'm curious about what they really are or who they're for." At this point, you didn't trust this guy anymore. His balls were a little too big, and that's a fact. You started to talk, "why don't we escape inst-" but he ran outside with you in his arms, you looked at the floor and said, "Okay, never mind then" He stopped at a tree. Stunned, he was so shocked he dropped you. When you looked at the tree, you were mortified. It was a photo of you in your room, alone. Your heart started pounding. You felt flooded with anxiety and embarrassment. You were touching yourself in the picture. Everything was visible, and the word "mine" was carved into the tree. Seeing the photo made your heart drop to your stomach. You were petrified. Some of your personal items were there too, your toothbrush that went missing a couple of months ago and a pair of your boxers with a nut stain on them. You mumbled, "What the fuck". You wanted to shoot yourself in the head. Blaze looked at you and said, "An earthquake is about to begin, just don't move, and you'll be safe." An earthquake started. It was way worse than any earthquake you've ever experienced, but what made it worse was all the thoughts flooding your mind. How Blaze didn't even say anything about what you guys saw. What if he saw you differently? What if he hated you? What if he was disgusted? Your heart was breaking, and you just wanted to die. You stayed where you were while the earthquake happened. You didn't make even the smallest move. You looked at the floor and realized a crack in the earth. Before you could think, Blaze grabbed you and jumped in.

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