Roses, Upon Roses

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You felt so cold it was numbing. You also couldn't talk. No matter how hard you tried, you could make noises if you tried hard enough, but that's it. You noticed a gas station in the distance. Seeing a sign of life made you feel enraptured, but, you were also scared; what if it was a trick? After a little while, you stopped caring. You needed help, and this was your chance; you believed it was possibly your only chance. After about five minutes of walking, you felt like you had been walking for hours and you were so tired. Your feet were sore. You felt as if you were going to fall to the ground, when you finally approached the gas station you were overfilled with joy. Maybe if you weren't so worn out you would've smiled. When you walked in, everything was white, it was a white box. Your heart started to pound along with a tear rolling down your cheek. You didn't know if you were more pissed or heartbroken. All of a sudden, everything flashed, and you seemed to be at a child's birthday. You looked around and realized you were at your eighth birthday party. You were deeply confused and shaken. Everyone was huddled around you waiting for you to open your gifts. You wanted to make them happy so you proceeded to pick up the most appealing present and started opening it. Right when the gift was almost opened, you woke up. Stood in front of you was the man you had run into at that strange worn down log cabin, when he backed away, a woman came into the room. "I'll take it from here. Blaze, why would you take this fag in? Look at his hair, it's brushed and styled perfectly. You know how I feel about gays. You should've just killed him out there and brought his flesh home to your mommy", You felt a sense of rage. You looked into her eyes, and they were empty. "Ma'am, I'm not gay... I think you're just stereotyping for quite literally no reason" Your heart started racing right as you said that, there was a part of you that wanted to die but you were scared, scared of your chances of getting out being ruined, scared of how painful it would be. "Excuse me?", she started getting closer pulling a gun out of her pocket. Immediately the man that had brought you here, who you assumed to be named Blaze, quickly took the knife out of your bag which made you realize that it wasn't in your pocket anymore. Right as he pulled out the knife he stabbed her, right into her kidneys. He started untying you, "You don't deserve this, she's such a fucking sociopath" Tears started to roll down his face; "why did god curse me by giving me a mother like her", he picked you up from off the ground and ran up the stairs. Back in the woods, this is when you realized you guys had been in a hidden room underground. He was running so fast through the forest, it was night but it seemed like everything was flying past you guys. It was so dark, to you nothing but black was visible and the only things you could hear were the leaves crunching under Blaze's feet and what seemed to be wolves howling in the distance. "They'll be after us soon, but I've got you okay. I'll keep you safe", that's what you made out of all of his sniffling. He had you thrown over his shoulder, and you could feel his heart racing in your thigh. He took a bead with "Level 83" engraved into it and threw it on the ground. The bead opened up a portal that he quickly ran into. When you both arrived on the other side, the portal disappeared. You guys were in a field of roses. It was angelic and looked like it went on forever. The fog just made it even more stunning. He ran into a red house and dropped you onto the floor. He walked away. He seemed to be gathering supplies, but you didn't have the energy to look. You did hear him say, "Don't worry, you're safe with me". 

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