The Forest

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You began to wander around the forest. This was to calm your mind while thinking of possible exits; the forest smelled like pine on a rainy day. The smell was mesmerizing; it was luscious and seemed to help you feel calm. The aroma comforted you. After exploring the woods for around thirty minutes and digging deep into your thoughts, you found a small shack. You wandered inside the hut in hopes of finding resources. You discovered some almond water on the floor. You took your backpack off. You didn't realize how heavy the glass bottles made it until you took it off your back, but it felt so good to have it off. You opened the zipper to your bag and replaced the empty glass bottles with fresh almond water. There were also a few bags of chips; you debated on taking the chips because of what that weird guy in level four told you, but you had no food. You also weren't sure the next time you'd have a chance to go back to level 6.1. You started to hear footsteps which interrupted your thinking. These footsteps were accompanied by a large shadow. You decided to run out of the shack. Right as you exited, you felt a clammy manly hand pull you back. He was pretty intimidating. "What do you think you're doing?", he said this with a stern sonorous voice, making you a bit fearful. Who knows if he'd put that pistol in his pocket to use... I was getting almond water out of the cabin. My mouth is so dry. I haven't drunk or eaten anything in days. I don't even know how I got here. My family is most likely tremendously distraught." You thought to yourself, "Shit, what am I thinking? He won't believe anything I say. I feel bad for lying. I haven't even been in the backrooms that long; maybe a day. I'm such a knave." "Well, I'm a part of The Suppliers of Backroom Colonists. We take what's in these houses. It's ours." When he said this, you freaked out. You didn't know what to do. So, you just started running. You could hear him shooting at you, but you didn't care, until you saw a bullet the gun fired. It flew right past you. You just kept running. You ran into a deeper, darker, and overall scarier part of the forest. You ran so fast you fell. You fell right into a pile of sand, and the next thing you knew, you found yourself in a desert. 

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