All I See is Red

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Right when Blaze realized where you guys were, his eyes went wide. You looked behind you, and your heart dropped. There were so many entities behind you both. Some you had never even seen before. You just froze. You were so in shock you failed to move. Blaze quickly picked you up; and whispered, "It's okay. I've got you." He ran and ran. Faster than anyone you've ever met before. He had probably trained all his life for situations like this. He was also jumping over limbs, chairs, and tables. He was breathing heavily. You could tell he was overworked, but he'd do anything to keep you both safe. It was so impressive. After about only twenty minutes, Blaze said, "I believe we're halfway through at the moment. Only three more miles to go." He almost tripped, but just kept running. The bright red lights started to strain your eyes. You looked up, your heart dropped to your stomach. There were so many entities chasing you guys. They were all so fast. Faster than usual. If Blaze were any slower, you guys would've died. That thought was horrifying because he was the fastest person you've ever met. Hundreds of people must've died here each day. If you had been taken to this level without Blaze, you would've been dead. No one would've ever known what happened to you. You got lost in thought until you suddenly felt some stinging pain, all throughout your body. You landed on the floor. You got up and realized a limb of some entity had tripped Blaze. You guys were so close to the end. You could see the door. Blaze got up and yelled, "GO NOW, RUN" You didn't want to leave without him so you said, "But I don't want to leave you". "You have to. They're right there. Run and don't stop." Tears started rolling down your face but you just ran like he said. You didn't stop, no matter how bad you wanted to. They had already got Blaze. You knew you had no choice but to run. You jolted to the end and quickly opened the door; right as you walked out, you awoke from your sleep. You grabbed your phone and checked the day. It was just the morning after you went to bed. All you could hear was Blaze telling you it would all be okay, ringing in your ears. You started crying. You'll never see him again. You're not even sure if he was ever real. Something told you he was, that he was thinking of you at that very moment too, but you'd never know. Unless you go back to the backrooms, all over again...

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