What is That

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You found yourself in a bar, surrounded by tons of other people. There were shelves and shelves of different kinds of food. Some of the food you found you had never even heard of before. While admiring the beautiful setup of food, you turned around, and your heart stopped. You saw a four-legged creature in front of you. It had white skin that sagged to the ground; when you looked up, you were met with its huge soulless black eyes looking down at you. The creature was staring into your soul, wishing it had what you do. You began to take the knife out of your pocket when you suddenly heard a scream coming from behind you. "STOP", it was the voice of a female. You quickly looked behind you while you kept an eye on the creature so it didn't try to pull a fast one. The girl behind you was sprinting towards you. She ran right into you, making you fall to the ground. Her making you fall pissed you off, but you didn't feel like starting problems. You just pushed her off you and got up; "Don't hurt him!! Here they aren't dangerous! Nothing is dangerous here! Treat him how you want to be treated!" She yelled like she had the right to be irritated. Every time this girl spoke she made you feel more and more agitated, quite quickly too. Her voice was so annoying. It pierced your ears, plus she acted like a kindergarten teacher, or more like the kindergarteners. "Are you even listening to me?" The girl screamed while getting up, "Um, I guess. Thanks for the information but how do I get out of here?" She just walked away. You wondered what was wrong with her, and whispered to yourself, "I wish we could go back to the 1600s so I could beat her into the ground like Chris Brown" You quickly forgot about her and went around tasting things you've never seen before, like, Vetkoek, Czernina, and Arepas. You had what seemed to be a cocktail called Pisco Sour too. While trying different foods you ran into a chocolate called "Oakend Chocolate". It was stupendous. You shut your eyes and started cherishing the chocolate before it eventually melted in your mouth; but when you opened your eyes, you were in some type of beautiful forest. The smell of greenery and pine filled your nose. The forest was an enchanting green; it seemed like the type of place to only be found in the dreams of a child. Its beauty blinded you. This room felt like it hypnotized you into forgetting all your problems. For the first time since you arrived here, you felt happy.

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