Waking up in Level 994

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You woke up a few hours later feeling dizzy with a mix of déjà vu. You were in a long dark hallway. There was a translucent window that seemed to stretch throughout the entire hall. With a railing right underneath it. The railing overlooked an undetermined depth of emptiness; there were doors across from the railing, but who knows what was behind those doors. There could be a huge passel of monsters. Possibly something behind the doors is stimulating to the mind. Maybe there's food? You stood in front of the door for about five minutes until curiosity got the best of you. You placed your hand on the doorknob. There was a part of you begging for you not to open it. It was quickly silenced with the *click* of the door opening. There was a bathroom behind the door. You proceeded to the next door. You were greeted with a classroom. Books and everything; you knew that something behind one of these doors was going to be useful. You kept opening doors for what seemed like forever until you ran into a supply closet. You instantly got so happy. All of that emptiness inside you didn't exist anymore, you finally felt like you could survive and eventually escape. You found a knife, a backpack, and this... strange liquid, if your sanity wasn't already almost a figment of your imagination you wouldn't have even thought about going near it, especially because it looks like someone's nut, but at this point, you didn't even care. It was in some sort of glass bottle. When you first approached it, you smelled it, and this sweet rose smell proceeded to fill your nose. You heard a voice telling you that you shouldn't drink the strange liquid, but you had felt super dehydrated since you arrived here. You tightened your grip on the bottle and started chugging it. It tasted sweet. There was a small hint of mint in the water too; it refreshed your mouth and felt like a treat to your tastebuds. The strange water not only cured your hydration but took all the deranged thoughts out of your mind. It also silenced the voices, for the time being. You felt so much better. You immediately threw all of the bottles in the backpack you had found. With every step you took, you could hear the glasses bumping against each other. You deposited the knife into your pocket for protection. That knife was left there for a reason, and you knew you'd need it eventually. Especially with what those books in that strange room had told you. You started wandering down the hall; it was dark and you were a bit afraid, but you had to overcome it. At this moment, you knew you had to stay strong. At the end of the hallway, there was a door. You quickly ran to it; the door brought you to a long, spiraling flight of stairs. You started to think that maybe this was the exit, but you knew you had got your hopes up when you saw the same hallway all over again; this freaked you out. You felt a sense of hurt and you were overwhelmed. You had believed you got out of this inferno, but it's just an infinite hallway. Your heart broke a little, You were halfway down this second hallway when you started hearing whispers and imagining dark figures staring at you, you started seeing God like figures, and what seemed like people that just got released from purgatory. You started feeling like you were one of them, but deep inside you knew it was all the effects of level and you couldn't let it get to you. If you did let these things get to you, who knows what could happen? You leaned your body against the wall while staring at the floor trying to think about a way out. You had an idea. Maybe one of the doors would lead to a new level; that was a strong possibility. I mean, why wouldn't they? You started opening doors, and you tried your best to ignore the madness. Behind the doors you did open in that hallway were offices, empty rooms, abandoned classrooms, and what looked like old pool rooms. You sprinted back to the first hallway, trying as hard as possible to ignore all the illusions. This time, you opened all of the doors you previously left unopened. Unfortunately, there was nothing. You kept traveling down the caliginous, eerie hallways. You tried the third and fourth hallways, but there was nothing. When you got to the fifth hallway, you found it hard to resist the urges you were feeling. You kept your hopes up, even while all the voices told you to jump over the railing. You're happy you kept trying, because right as you were about to give up, you opened a door and saw into another level.

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