I'm not alone..?

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You slowly walked through the door, unsure of where this door would lead to. Right as you entered the new level, what seemed to be palaver filled your ears. You seemed to be in a crowd; this was a shock to you. You thought you were trapped here alone, and discovering there were others was a huge relief. You swiftly ran up to someone and tried talking to them, but they disregarded you; this got a man's attention. The man had a strong accent of some sort. He quickly apologized to you, "I-I'm sorry if it upset you that the-they wouldn't talk to you. Haha, I'm nervous, they're a part of B.A.S. Are you new? I can explain a lot to you if you would like! You look new; you're so cute! I love that beautiful hair of yours. You smell so sweet too." You were very confused; so you just muttered; "B.A.S?..." He seemed rapturous to know you knew nothing about the colony because it meant you were new, and you would listen to all his rambling. "Yes! B.A.S stands for Backrooms Analytical Squadrant. I know they have a base here and at Level 861; most of the people in the colony are scientists and architects skilled in certain areas! It's so intriguing. They know so much about the backrooms! I only stay here because I have a huge crush on this one. He's so adorable and intelligent. Every time we talk he makes me sound so dumb...; it's so attractive. I dream about him every night. His beautiful face with those big strong arms-" You cut him off, "Yeah... that's cool, but can you please shut the fuck up. Thanks" This hurt his feelings a good bit. It seemed like he was trying to hold back tears and started to fail. He sniffled and mumbled, "I'm sorry. I get distracted so easily. Sometimes, I feel like I get annoying. Well, all the time. I can't stand myself. People tell me this is why my dad left. " You weren't sure what to say. Him telling you all those sad details was a lot at once, and you don't even know him. You didn't want to hurt him, but you also wanted to get away from him; He smelled like the carpet from the first room you were in. "Ummm, back to colonies. What's that? What do they do? Also, what level is this?" He smiled. He believed you enjoyed his company. "This is level four. Many come here due to it being survival level zero. That means there are no entities. Almond water also flows through the pipes. Making this the best level to get the almond water". You started to get a bit annoyed, it was as if he was avoiding your question. "That's super cool, but um, you never told me, what's a colony?" He looked a little embarrassed, "OH! Sorry for forgetting, that's so embarrassing! Well, it's also kinda embarrassing you don't know what a colony is; here, in the backrooms, it's a group of people that work to gather on learning more information about the backrooms and some run hotels like in level 5, they all do many different things here." Surprisingly, you were intrigued. There was something you were more interested in though, and that was if this guy had food. "Yo, um, that's cool, but do you have any food? I'm starving." He looked like he was going to share more information, "Nope! I know where you can get some though, and where you shouldn't." Thank fuck, this guy knows something useful, "so, I think level 6.1 is the best place to get food, it has a lot, while you're in the level the temperature of food doesn't change and it never expires. I wouldn't recommend eating food from any other level unless you have to because who knows what it is or if it's safe. Like, in level fun. The food is edible, but it's made of human flesh. You can get into level 6.1 from here by noclipping into a vending machine." You just walked away from this guy after that. To your surprise, he didn't chase you down. It felt like heaven getting away from him because he was malodorous to the max. After exploring level four for a while, you stumbled upon a vending machine without people crowded around it. You thought about everything the book you had read said about noclipping. You walked a decent distance away from the vending machine. You took a deep breath. You started running at a high velocity straight into the vending machine. Everything went black.

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