2~ Scent of a Woman, It Doth Betray Her!

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First off, there's really not that much to say.

The only thing that can be really said to open my story up for all of you? I wasn't expecting any of this shit to happen.

I'm Nate. Nate Jacobs. Everyone here at Westland High knows me, wants me, has fucked me, wants to be me....it's pretty obvious, isn't it? I'm the alpha, the supreme fucking jock asshole that rules every high school and whose whole life mission is to play sports, break a few hearts here and there, and terrorize the flaming gay dudes or anyone who we think is gay. I'm a dick on close examination, with no depth or soul or even slight indication of being a human being.

Or at least that what your perception of me is.

See, I don't like to bring up my past. Shit made and done there should be left there, it shouldn't be discussed or brought up at all. Yet, I will let you in on that one day when I changed my past; it's kinda the fucking point when it comes to telling you guys all of this.

It was the day Jules came to school.

Something clicked when I first laid eyes on her, sitting with Rue and Cassie and Maddy and the other girls in the class. It was like I knew her without knowing her. Like I didn't even have to say shit to her and she just was so easy to read.

I saw her look awkward and almost could smell the fear coursing through her body sitting there next to Maddy. My girlfriend Maddy, to be exact. It was really nice to see Maddy trying to include her in the group, showing her TikToks and clothes and other girly girl shit when the teacher wasn't looking. Even if the old bitch was looking, he didn't say shit to her because Maddy was fearless. She was the first to throw hands in a fight; Jake Paul would have definitely had a run for his money if he even looked at her.

Jules looked nervously around her during the study hour; Rue passed her the answers to the quiz. Lexie shared a gummy bear with her. Cassie was casually doing her makeup in class (as expected) and asked the new girl for advice on wingtips. Kat kept taking selfies with everyone.

And then she saw me, and I saw her.

I felt my heart, my brain and my dick jump all at once like I'd been shocked up the ass by a cow prod.

Keep it together, bro. You have Maddy.

She looked at me and faintly smiled before returning back to Maddy and laughing with her about some photo they were looking at.

Who was this girl? What had caused this reaction? Why was this going on? What was the logical explanation for all of this?

I usually pride myself on always having an answer or some sort of explanation for everything that happens or occurs in my life. This time though? No answers.

And definitely no indications of the possibility of answers either.

"Mr. Jacobs, pay attention please." The old teacher croaked out.

I rolled my eyes when I saw everyone turn to look at me. Maddy gave me a look that said "Bitch, you better be joking."

Jules looked over at me with this look on her face that I couldn't read. It was like a mixture of her wanting to ask me something thrown together with a look of caution.

I nodded my head upward across the room after everyone else but her turned back to the teacher.

She did the same thing but with an almost wicked little curve to her smile.

I liked that about her, especially how in that moment she seemed to show that there was more to her than what met the eyes. She had depth. And let me tell you something about depth; that shit is nowhere to be found in West Highland girls.

Except for one, and that was Maddy. We had known each other since we were kids, and she was my best friend. I could talk to her about anything, and the same could be said about her to me. We were now dating, but I felt like what we had was a connection that wasn't entirely based on romantic feelings and stuff like that.

She was like a piece of me. A family member, a true friend, all of that. The ride or die in my life. I would not ever want to imagine a life without her in it.

And then the bell finally fucking rang and class was dismissed for second period. Maddy walked over to me with the new girl in tow.

"Nate, I want you to meet the new girl. This is Jules. She's really great." Maddy smiled as she came up and hugged me. Her scent was of green apple and cherries....typical girl smell if you ask me.

"Hey." Jules answered as she looked down at the floor.

"Yo, what up." I said, doing exactly what Maddy told me to do.

"So, hey, are we still on for that party at McKay's tonight?" Maddy smiled at me.

"Yeah, I'm down." I smiled back at her as I answered her.

"Oh fuck, I totally zoned out. Jules, would you like to come?" Maddy gave her this look that a dog would give you under the dinner table.

"Sure?" She giggled, "but uh, I don't have anyone to go with."

"Sure you do, I'm going. Fez is supposed to give me something there anyways so I'll go with you." Rue popped up outta nowhere and put her arm around Jules.

And then the next class started to pour in and we were all so fucking late to our classes. We all left the room; Maddy to her healthcare class and Jules and Rue to Algebra 2....and me to go to gym class.

I couldn't stop thinking about Jules. It was like she was a fucking ghost or something...

She was haunting me, and I couldn't get her out of my head for anything.


Ting Ting!

I looked at my phone and saw there was a new message. It was from Maddy.

Hey babe, meet me out front at the end of school. We need to go to the store to get shit for the party. Love you 💗💗

I answered back.

"Love you more baby girl 💘"

Why did I suddenly feel so fucking guilty saying that?

Maddy was my girlfriend, for fucks sake. I wasn't doing anything wrong. We were in this happy and beautiful place together in our lives. So why did I feel like shit?

It was the beginning of the last period of school for the day. Economics class, to be exact; and there was no other place on this fucking planet that I'd rather NOT be in than this class. It was so boring and seemed like a waste of a perfectly good day (as all teenagers feel about the last class of the day, or just school in general), and I was trying not to go to sleep.

When suddenly Jules walked in, pink furry backpack and all. She decided, as there were no more available seats in the classroom, to sit next to me and set her stuff down under her chair. She smiled at me, and then the teacher walked in and began the lesson.

I paid zero attention that whole period, as there was something more interesting and intriguing than pie charts and stock projections. It was her.

One of the things I love about women is how they smell. And not just because I value good hygiene (which I do), but because each woman has a characteristic scent. The pheromones mix with the perfume they wear and it creates something completely individual to them.

Jules' scent however was very elusive to my trained senses. One minute I smelled cotton candy, the next I smelled oranges, and then I smelled a faint hint of musk to her. It was so creatively unique that I just simply couldn't understand how it was possible....

And then it hit me.

She's not what you think she is.

Before I Ever Met You: A Euphoria Book~(Nate and Jules)Where stories live. Discover now