3/ girls

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"Do you wanna hang out after school?" She asked me.

Rue, I mean.

"Uh, yeah, my dad won't mind. He's encouraged me to make new friends since I've moved here." I giggled nervously.

"Cool. Meet me after school in the bus yard. We can walk home." Rue smiled as she spoke. I noticed she smiled when she was around me; it was a genuine smile too. Not one of those fake smiles that you put on to be nice to someone.

"Okay." I laughed as we separated and I went to my last period of the day; economics class.

For starters, I couldn't think of a more useless class. It was only interesting for people who were good at math, and even then it wasn't even THAT mathematical! Like it was really only for geeky students who wanted to work in like Wall Street or something.

I came to the class to find only one spot open; the seat next to Maddy's boyfriend.

Nick? Nathan? Ned? Fuck, I couldn't remember his name.

Honestly given my past experience with men, I didn't really want to know. I just wanted to get through this day, and the rest of high school hopefully without jumping off the ledge.

"So how's the first day?"  He asked me, breaking my concentration.

"Uh, it's good I guess. I just wanna go home." I answered, hoping to blow him off. I wasn't really in the mood for conversation today.

"Well, don't forget Maddy wants you at that party." He laughed.

"Yeah, that's true." I smiled as thankfully the teacher walked in  and announced the lesson plan.

Nothing else was said during the class; that is until the bell rang and Maddy walked into class to get her boy toy.

"Bitch, where have you been? I've been outside the door for ten minutes. Oh, hey Jules, how's your day going??"  Maddy asked two questions for two separate people.

"Good, I'm glad todays over with. I gotta meet Rue later." I giggled.

"You better find something in that cute ass wardrobe of yours to wear tonight, bitch. We about to turn the FUCK up." Maddy said as she twirled around as she spoke.

"I'll see what I can do." I shrugged and laughed as we waved goodbye and I joined Rue outside the classroom.

"So what brings you to this shithole?" Rue smiled as we walked through the hallways.

"Long story, lots of family shit." I answered back.

"Fuck, I felt that shit." Rue groaned.


"Yeah." Rue said as she looked at the ground as we walked.

"You don't have to talk about it if you don't want to." I said in hopes of relaxing her around me.

"No no, it's good. It's just....well,....let's get the fuck out of here before I go into all of that." She replied as we finally reached the doors that led to the escape from that place.

I went over to the bike rack and unlocked my purple Schwinn from the slot it was in. Rue did the same thing with a lesser and more rust-covered version of mine.

"So what's so bad that you couldn't tell me in there?" I asked her.

"Uh, well,"  Rue started.

Before I Ever Met You: A Euphoria Book~(Nate and Jules)Where stories live. Discover now