6. Made Ya Think

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So contrary to popular opinion (aka Rue 😂), I actually can remember bits and pieces from the night of McKay's party. And honestly being the new girl had it's perks because I had no fucking idea about the shit that was gonna go down later.

I remember being dragged onto the "dance floor" with Nate, and I remember how nice it felt to be in someone's arms even though I was very evidently plastered and not in the best frame of mind.

I remember smelling him on one occasion....his scent reminded me of the time I went to the beach when I was 10 and I remember the salty air and the soft, delicate winds blowing on my face. He smelled clean, like the ocean breeze...

"I'm sorry that I'm on one tonight and I don't know why I dragged you out here....but you're really special. I've only known you like a whole day and I can just tell."

As when I'm drunk, I proceeded to laugh and find everything he said to be so fucking hilarious. But now looking back on it, he made me feel...special? pretty? cute? smart?

I couldn't describe it in human words, it was all so complicated.

But after I threw up and Maddy came running over to where me and Rue were, I was expecting to get my ass beat for no reason.


"Jules, oh my god, are you okay?" Maddy asked.

"Oh yeah, um, I'm fine." I giggled nervously.

"I'm so sorry for what Nate did. He went way too far this time...if any rumors get started don't worry, I got you..."

"Why would there be rumors?" I asked.

"Uh, new girl, dancing with Nate Jacobs the obviously taken  quarterback?" Rue jumped in.

O h h h S h i t t t

I saw the point now.

"Maddy, I promise there's nothing going on."

"Bitch I know that shit, you literally just got here. It's like a whole rush of emotions and shit and now this shit happens. Again, I'm so sorry." Maddy said as she hugged me.

I had no idea if this was genuinely her being nice or this was another Nate revenge ploy, but I decided to play along.

I'm not trusting of anyone.

Especially if they're not truthful....

Yet in that moment I think she genuinely was telling the truth.


After the events of the party finally ended with the cops being called on McKay, Cassie passing out naked in the front yard, me jumping over the fence with Rue, hopping on/falling off our bikes in a panicked state and eventually practically flying through town to my backyard....we walked into my room and laughed hysterically.

"That was a fucking close call." Rue said as I fell onto my bed, letting the adrenaline rush and my exhaustion duel it out.

"Yeah." I giggled. It was a nervous habit of mine to just laugh at everything.

"So I have an idea." Rue whispered in the darkness.

"What's that?" I asked.

"Wanna get high?"

I contemplated my options here.

If I said no, I'd probably upset her. If I said yes I'd be going against all my principles as a goody two shoes...

So I used the answer all of us party poopers tend to use:

"Maybe later."

Thankfully Rue got the hint as she proceeded to pop a baby blue pill with a Coke chaser and I heard my phone vibrate:

ShyGuy118: hey, how are things?

(Well FUCK, I guess I might as well speak to him....)

Me: fine i guess, and you?

ShyGuy118: ehhh could be better, kinda feeling under the weather. hangovers are a bitch 😑

Me: oof i'm sorry. kinda relate tho, got ran out of a party 2night

ShyGuy118: oh?

Me: yeah...long story lol

ShyGuy118: i missed u today and idk why....

I kinda didn't know how to answer this blunt statement so I just didn't reply.

If you haven't noticed by now I am clearly not good at displaying any sort of affection.  This has a lot to do with my personal problems that I don't wanna talk about right now. But I can genuinely say that I didn't know how to answer this at all.

So I improvised, and possibly lied a little:

Me: imy2

So what was the harm? He didn't know me from the man in the moon, it wasn't like I actually missed anything about him as a person. Hell, I didn't even KNOW him in person!

And then the reply came back:

ShyGuy118: bet i miss u more tho


Me: but you don't even know me...you've never even met me. lol

ShyGuy118: then maybe i could get to know you? learn about you?

I paused for a split second and looked over at Rue, who by now was passed out asleep and in another dimension...of that  I'm sure of.

ShyGuy118: you there?

Fuck it.

Me: sure. i'd like that a lot.

There was no harm in having an online friendship. I had a few of them obviously...I mean this IS the age of technology!

And besides a little harmless flirting wouldn't hurt anyone. I mean I was single and not involved with anyone or anything right now.

What was the harm in it?

Before I Ever Met You: A Euphoria Book~(Nate and Jules)Where stories live. Discover now