Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

War of Hearts

"Come to me in the night hours. I will wait for you."- Ruelle, War of Hearts

Regina tossed and turned in her bed. She had been resting peacefully, but had begun to stir. Something was calling to her, soft mumbles in the distance slowly became formed words that fell upon the brunette's ears.

"Regina..." a familiar voice called. "Regina!" she felt two strong, yet slender hands grab her shoulders. She had felt the grip before.

"Emma?" She asked groggily, her eyes still not open. For a moment she thought she was dreaming, but the touch on her shoulders felt too real.

"Yes, Regina, it's me." Regina's heart swelled at the familiarity of it all. The gentle 'its me' that came out of Emma's lips was making her emotional. 'Its me' was more than a was a confirmation...a subtle 'yes, you're's me'. "Can you hear me?" The blonde inquired likely from the lack of response that was given from the brunette.

"Yes, I can hear you." Regina began to sit up, finally opening her eyes. Her room was dark, with only the faint glow of the moon illuminating it through the window. She waited for her vision to adjust, squinting and looking around the room. "But I can't see you. Where are- ow! Emma, what the hell?" She grumbled as she felt a finger jab into her side.

"Well, you can feel me." Emma stated obviously.

"I gathered that." Regina said with annoyance, but she didn't dwell on it for long. "Why can't I see you?" It was beginning to dawn on Regina that she had no idea what was happening.

"I have no idea. I haven't figured this stuff out yet." Emma mumbled. Regina could see a small dent in her duvet where the blonde's voice was coming from.

"What stuff?" Regina wasn't sure why that was the first question she chose off of the laundry list that was forming, but it seemed important at that moment.

"Magic." Emma stated, as if the word itself was overwhelming her. Regina's eyebrows shot up and she wasn't sure she heard correctly. She had assumed the magic that happened when Emma had touched her was an extension of her own power, but if Emma was doing magic on her own that meant... "It's not important." the blonde seemed to pick up on the fact that Regina was falling into a rabbit hole of thoughts. She accepted this for now, but had more questions when the other woman was safe at home in Storybrooke. She nodded gently to show this, and continued.

"Why are you here?" Regina wasn't sure if it was the sleep still in her voice or if she truly was Evil, because it sounded much harsher than she had intended.

"Damn, that's no way to talk to your heart's truest desire!" Emma teased, but sounded a bit put off by Regina's words.

"I'm sorry, Emma. That came out in a way that wasn't intended." Regina felt around for a hand somewhere on the bed to reassure her but didn't find one. She was almost convinced Emma had disappeared with the dead silence that fell across the room.

"An apology...that's new." Emma chuckled and Regina could almost hear her rolling her eyes. She was going to stop searching for the woman's hand when the blonde let out a squeal- "And that's new! What the hell Regina?!" Regina immediately withdrew her hand, eyebrows scrunched in confusion, and eyes wide.

"What did I do?!" Regina asked, panicked, worried she had somehow hurt the blonde.

"You grabbed my dick!" Emma shouted, clearly flustered and not actually angry.

"Oh god, Emma I'm sorry I was going for your hand!" Regina defended, not fully processing what the other woman said. "Your dick?" the brunette asked, less in curiosity and more in sheer impression. She hadn't known Emma had a dick let alone that it was so...large. She swallowed thickly and tried to suppress the tingles that traveled through her body.

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