Chapter 6

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Warning: This chapter contains NSFW content! This content includes Emma(g!p) though there is nothing explicit.

Since there is nothing explicit, I won't provide a detailed summary, but there will be a brief summary in the end notes if you want to skip over the NSFW content. :)



Chapter 6


"It crept up on me, it takes over- electricity." -Electricity, Arctic Monkeys

Regina wasn't sure how much time had passed. It felt as though none had passed at all while also seeming like she had been sitting on her couch, alone, forever. She hated to admit it, but she was...sad. She had gotten what she wanted...Emma was back. Henry was happy. Where did it leave her though?

That wasn't a good question. She knew where it left her. Alone on her couch. She had tried to watch a little television, but the noise seemed to make the suffocating loneliness even lonelier. After she turned it off she poured herself a glass of wine. Standing in the kitchen was when her clothes started to feel suffocating as well. She felt...trapped. Not in her own home, but in the mess she had made.

So she took the opportunity to do something she rarely did- lounge in actual lounge clothes. She normally liked to be presentable, not necessarily for other people, but as a matter of self pride. It seemed fitting that since she was not feeling prideful she could dress to match the part. Freeing herself from her white blouse was euphoric. The normally soft fabric had begun to feel scratchy against her skin.

She questioned whether or not to remove her bra, but figured 'what the hell', made quick work of the latch, and tossed it aside. The cool air of her bedroom hit her nipples and it felt like a violation so she folded in on herself while searching for her comfier clothes. Running a hand through her dark locks and pushing them back she sighed in the openness of her room.

This sucked.

She rolled her eyes at her self-pity and huffed before grabbing a white t-shirt that was nestled within a drawer of things she never wore. Her eyes caught a glimpse of the logo and she felt the sadness within her nuzzle deeper within her chest. 'Storybrooke Town Fair' was written across the front while the word 'VOLUNTEER' was unceremoniously plastered across the back. There had been a time, or at least moments, where everyone was happy. Of course, Regina knew the people she was surrounded by could never truly love her, but they didn't know that. Any dislike was written off as local politics or town gossip. She'd take dislike over exclusion any day.

She closed her eyes and took a deep breath in, willing her thoughts to leave her be. It's not like she was really being excluded. She knew that one action wouldn't change everything overnight. She refused to let any amount of sadness set her back. A promise was made to Henry and she intended to keep it.

Regina tossed the shirt back into the drawer and opted for another one. She tossed on a plain, white t-shirt and grabbed a pair of leggings to slip on. She found herself feeling too exposed and tossed on a loose crewneck sweatshirt. It felt like a warm hug and Regina found it a bit more comforting than she'd like to admit.

After she sulked down the stairs, she went to retrieve her glass of wine and tried to relax on the couch once more. She had obviously been unsuccessful, because that is how she got here.

Alone. On the couch. With the TV still off and an untouched glass of wine on the end table. Her bottom lip was becoming sore from the small area she had anxiously been chewing on. It wasn't quite late enough to go to bed, but she had no idea what to do with herself. Her thoughts began to wander to her interactions with Emma while the blonde was in the Enchanted Forest. She'd do anything for a moment alone with the woman again. She had no idea where they stood or even if she imagined everything.

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