A kiss

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Nova walked into the hospital wing. She looked to her sister who was still out. She looked to see Remus as he sat next to Esme side.

Nova didn't know what was going on when her sister and their professor. But she knew that he cared for her. She looked to him as he sat next to her

"Is there no change?" Nova asked as Remus smiled

"No but she will be okay. It was just a high fall and she hit her head. She is a fighter after all. You know that what she is like" Remus said as nova smiled

Nova knew that she couldn't help but worry over her sister. She knew that Remus cares for her

"You care for her don't you" nova asked as Remus nodded

"I do and I didn't realise until I saw her fall from the broomstick. I felt my heart stop. All I know is that I will do anything for her" he said as nova smiled.

She knew that esme was going to be okay but she knew that she couldn't help but worry. She walked over to her sister and smiled. She looked as if she was sleeping. Almost peaceful

"I have potions with snape. He wouldn't let me cut of she died. Can you keep me updated" nova asked as Remus looked to her and smiled

"Of course" he said as she smiled

Esme winced to herself as she woke up. She felt nothing but pain "she's awake" Remus said as a bowl was summoned in front of Esme as she threw up. She groaned as she finished throwing up and looked to see Remus

He held her hair back and smiled as he looked do her "how are you feeling" he asked as she smiled

"I've been better" Esme said as she leant back against the headboard and looked to him

"What happened" Esme asked

"Dirty quidditch players that all. You were knocked off your room. You have a concussion. I was worried over you" he said as she looked to him and smiled

"I'm okay. You don't need to be" Esme said as he took a hold of her hand. She looked to him and smiled.

She didn't know what it was. But she Knew how he was there for her and for that she was grateful.

Esme smiled as she sat back in the bed "I was worried over you, over what happened" he said as she looked to him and smiled

Esme looked to Remus as he sat on the side of her bed and looked to her

"So you have to stay on overnight but it's going to be okay. You will be okay" he said as Esme looked to him and smiled

"What's going on with us professor? We have something a connection and I know that you feel it too" she said as he looked to her. He knew the connection that they had

"Fuck it" Remus said as he crashed his lips to her. Esme grabbed the back of his neck and pulled him to her as the kiss got more heated and passionate as he pushed her back onto the bed as she pulled him close

Esme had no idea how everything was going to change with her and Remus. She had no idea just how he was going to change her life

Unspoken desires *R.Lupin*Where stories live. Discover now