Telling Him

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Esmè knew how she had been trying to find out who poisoned her. She knew it had to be something to do with her brother.

Esmè didn't know who had it in for her. But she wanted to find out. Especially as she was pregnant.

She still had no idea what she was going to do about it all. She needed to tell Remus about the baby. But she didn't know how to.

She knew that they had only just started what they had. It was way too soon. And she was still in school.

She needed her mum for this. But she knew she couldn't have her. Her mum was dead and it was now more than ever she needed her.

She felt lonely. She knew that she had Nova. But it wasn't the same. It was so hard for her.

Esmè felt like she was going to lose everything if it came out that she was pregnant. She was scared. She didn't know what Harry would do.

He would assume a Slytherin was the father. she didn't want to get Remus in trouble. They both had sex.

Esmè knew that once the news of the pregnancy came out, Remus would lose his job. And she would blame herself.

All she knew was that things were changing. And she just didn't know what to do. Or what to think.

Morning came all too quickly. She sat in bed and sighed. She didn't want to deal with school. She wanted to disappear and never be found.

She looked up as Nova walked in. She smiled. "Hey. I've been waiting. Figured I'd come and see if you were up."

"Nova. I've made a mess of everything."

"Cause you're pregnant? Es. It's okay. These things happen. I know it won't be easy. But you have me."

Esmè sighed. "It's times like this I wish mum and dad were alive. Mum would know what to do. Dad would probably kill Remus for sleeping with me. But I'd risk it."

Nova nodded. She smiled as she sat down next to her. "I know. But you have to think. What do you want to do? Do you want to be a mum?"

"I honestly don't know. I need to talk to Remus."

"Then you tell him. Today."

Esmè and Nova were in potions. Esmè saw how Ron kept looking at her. She was worried that it was him who had something to do with poisoning her.

Nova turned to her. "Hey. What's going on?" She asked.

"I think it was Ron. Who poisoned me. He keeps looking over at me. And I'm certain he doesn't like me or you," Esmè said.

Nova turned to look at Ron. "Go and talk to Snape. He's looking into this," she told her.

Esmè nodded. She knew she needed to somehow sort it. Before it got too bad. And whoever it was, tried to kill her again.

Esmè took a deep breath as she walked into Remus' classroom. He looked to her. "Esmè how are you?" He asked as he smiled.

Esmè took a deep breath. She sighed. "I... I need to tell you something."

"Okay. Is everything okay?" Remus asked as he sat down. He was worried about Esmè.

Esmè sighed. She took a step closer and sighed. "I'm pregnant. It's yours," she mumbled.

Remus looked to her in shock. He had no idea what on earth he was going to do. But would he and Esmè be able to make it work?

Unspoken desires *R.Lupin*Where stories live. Discover now