Chapter 10 Unbound Hope

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Three explosions ignited within Blizzard HQ! The Golden Warrior backpedaled through the training room, massive pieces of debris crashing down onto the ground and narrowly missing him!

Citrine: What's got you in such a bad mood?!

The young man was suddenly bound by a cerulean ring, rubble rushing into him from all sides and forming a ball of stone around his body! The Blizzard of Hell let out heavy breaths as she analyzed the destruction she'd just caused. . .

The Training Center had been hit by a tornado of terror. . .

Spirit Demon Kamikaze!

A bright shine emitted from the trapped Citrine, his aura exploding and scattering rock in every direction! The boy dusted himself off as he went a mild glare towards his friend.

Citrine: Did you get whatever was bugging you out of your system?

Fubuki: . . . No.

A pebble hit him in the back of the head.

Citrine: Ow. . .

The Cold Psychic excused herself, marching out of the room and leaving behind a clueless Citrine. . .

Citrine: I wonder what's got her all moody. . .

Um, Mr. Citrine. . .?

The hero had nearly forgotten that they had an audience. Glancing over his shoulder, the Hopeful Boy's curious gaze met the worried eyes of his fellow hero, Lily of the Three-Section-Staff.

Lily: I wouldn't be too worried. This happens quite a lot.

Citrine: (Frowns) That's more worrying.

The teenage hero held up the daily paper, presenting it to Citrine, who eyed it carefully. The news of the New Fubuki Group had been replaced by the most recent battle the Second Ranked S-Class Hero partook in. The young man nodded in understanding.

Citrine: I guess I'd be pretty mad too if my little sibling managed to show me up. . .

Lily: (Mumbles) Actually. . . She's not her little sister. She's her older sister.

That put things an entirely different light. . . It put everything Citrine knew about his friend under a different light. . .

A shadow had trapped The Blizzard of Hell, and she yearned to break free from its chains. . .

Citrine: . . . I'm going to go have a chat with your boss.

The Golden Warrior took off into a jog, chasing after Fubuki and leaving a hopeful Lily behind.

Lily: Despite not even knowing her for a fraction of the time we have, you've become closer to her than anyone.

If anyone can change her, it's you.


The Blizzard of Hell stood before the bullet train without really thinking of where she was even going. It was on a course for City Z. . .

Fubuki: We fought monsters who threatened an entire city, and you only fought a small fry. . . And yet, the world puts you on a pedestal.

The Cold Esper let her scowl fade as the doors to the train opened and let her inside. . . She found a seat by a window and let herself relax. She traced the gentle white swirls of the clouds on the horizon, dragging her finger along the glass. Anything to distract her from reality would do just fine. . .

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