CHAPTER 2 : When I Met You.

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Alexander’s POV


YEAR 1985




As there i was, sitting down under an apple tree, thinking of another poem or stories to write. For years, being a writer has always been a dream of mine and one day, my poems and stories will be published to the public and let everyone read it, famous writers fascinates me and their amazing works. When i was a still small little kid, i dreamt of becoming a successful and yet famous writer, i always tell myself to keep going as much as possible and don't let the negative thoughts get over to your head.

I have been sitting under this apple tree for 2 hours, hoping that just a tiny idea would pop in my head to make another poem or story, but no luck so far. I can't give up, all i need is inspiration, but i couldn't find the right one, and i believe the inspiration that i needed will come at the right place and at the right time, for now, let's not make something. Being a writer myself who only writes on his free time, i can relate to the things of being writer, the number one thing that writers struggle everytime, is the lack of inspiration. As you know, we can't continue making such poems and stories when we don't have the motivation and inspiration. Looks like the struggle is real, right?

As i started getting up and preparing to go home, an apple fall into the ground but luckily, i managed to avoid it. That isn't going to happen! I can't let an apple hit my head. What am i? Issac Newton? The guy who became smart all of a sudden after an apple hitting his head? Wait... Is it Issac? Look, as much as i love doing poetry and writing stories, there is one thing that i absolute hate and not good at it, and that is Science. I enjoyed watching people doing things with chemicals and stuff like Scientists would, but it never amazed me nor wanting to be a Scientist. I just like watching people playing with chemicals, you know?

I cleaned myself up, getting off some dirt from my clothes, and started to go home. The apple tree was not so far from my place so you need to take a few minutes to walk. As i got home, i stopped and look at the very big house that i live in. Most of you don't know that i live in a house that is like a mansion outside! With my Grandmother, Aunts, and Cousins all in this one big, enormous house. I have been living in this hellhole for a couple of years and i am getting tired and used to it at the same time. Believe me, i have been thinking of leaving this place for a long time but i couldn't, i mean where else should i go other than here? That exactly my point would be. I sighed in frustration and wondering whether i should go inside or not, i decided to anyways since one of my Aunties told me to not stay outside when it's dark, and it's the afternoon right now so might as well go inside since i have nothing to do.

I went inside the house and immediately one of my cousins surprise greeted, of course i was shocked and surprise to my core. “WHAT THE HELL?!? YOU ALMOST KILLED ME WITH YOUR STUPID GREETING! What's wrong with you?!?!”– I was angry at her for almost scared me to death, you maybe wondering, what did my cousin do exactly? No shit show, she was playing around with a baseball bat and decided to play with the ball too. In this household, the elders can be very strict when in comes to little things which i don't want to mention them all to be honest. “Hey Riley! I said no playing baseball inside! You are gonna cause so much destruction. NOT IN THE HOUSE!”

Sorry Auntie Gretel! I was just having fun. You don't have to be a party pooper all the time Aunt.” I immediately knew that my cousin was in major big trouble when she said that– I couldn't bare to see all of my cousins get yelled at my Aunts or get beaten up. I admit that they can be super strict, but it's for their safety because they can be chaotic and troublemakers.

Aunties, Grandma, and Cousins! I am going out, nothing important, just going out for a walk that’s all. Bye!!” It was the next day, and i decided to go for a walk. Currently, one of my hobbies are going for a walk everyday in the morning, my Aunts are okay with it since they already know. I always bring my extra book with me to write whenever i wanted to, this was my first book that i've had since i was a kid. It was given to both my Mom and Dad for my 5th birthday.

After taking a couple of minutes walking around the neighborhood, i thought of going home because my legs was sore from walking, despite taking a few minutes to sit down to write a new poem– Anyway, as i begin to walk to my house, i heard some weird noises coming from behind that small building, it was a small eatery and the back was just garbage dumps or garbage cans. I was so curious, i decided to go take a look what was the noise about, when i took a small peek, i saw what seems to be a portal, it was purple and glowy yet so fascinating. I went in closer to see the portal but it suddenly sucked me through the portal, it felt literally me getting sucked through a vacuum cleaner.

When i woke up i felt like i was in a coma and when i looked around, everything seems so different, it was more modern than usual. I didn't know what to do, i don't know what to do, i was getting nervous and started to panic, well usually i don't panic because i'm a chill person. I literally panic so much that i was in the middle of the road, i was causing destruction that a lot of people yelled at me and complained why i was in the road. I looked at my surroundings, i was frozen and i couldn't get off the road, this was the first time i've experienced this kind of situation.

But suddenly someone walked up to me and, help me, it was a girl/boy, they knew that i needed help and acting like i don't belong here which obvious i don't belong in this place. They were so kind, and thoughtful that they helped me. I remained calm for a few minutes after being with this person, i felt like i am safe and comfortable than ever. I knew that there is something in them that i couldn't put to my tongue to it.

EDIT: My reader stories are made for any genders, not just for girls. Whether you don't think so or not, it is called READER and Y/N. Because you, the reader are part of the story, and you include your own name. My stories that also include teens or minors that are your love interest/s, i make sure to keep them family friendly as possible, i guess i could describe my stories fluff stories or i don't know what's it called, that have kisses on the cheeks, holding hands, long eye contact, etc. I, the author, is also a minor, don't make stories that are inappropriate content whatsover.



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