-Chapter 8-

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Y/N arrived at the Ravenclaw common room and waited for Mattheo to appear.

He slid next to her and she smiled. "You came!"

"Yeah well, I didn't have anything else better to do."

"You know, for someone like you, I would except you to have more friends."

He raised an eyebrow. "I have friends! I just don't feel like talking to them all the time."

"Yeah? Then whose your friend?"

"Well...there's you. And there Blaise and Pansy for example."

"You aren't friends with Draco?" Y/N asked.

He looked away. "Me and him had a few arguments. We threw a punch here and there. Are you friends with him?"

"Oh uh...we had a thing...anyways, let's dance!" Y/N said. She grabbed his hand and he smiled.

Later that night Draco appeared next to Y/N and Mattheo.

"Hello love!" Draco said smiling.

Mattheo looked up and scowled.

"Hello Draco..." Y/N replied silently.

Draco held out his hand. "How about you come dance with me."

"Yeah...no thanks Draco. Maybe another time."

"Oh come on darling." Draco said grabbing her arm.


"She said she doesn't want to dance with you kid. Fuck off." Mattheo said, standing up.

"Theo...it's fine..."

"Oh and what are you going to do about it Riddle?" He asked.

Mattheo grabbed a chair and threw it on Draco, making him fall. Draco punched Mattheo.

"Guys! Stop!" Y/N grabbed Mattheo and pulled him away.

Mattheo was about to throw a punch when Y/N stopped him again. "Mattheo what is wrong with you?!"

She pulled him into a different room and locked the door. "Why the fuck would you do that?!" Y/N yelled.

"Did you not see how he was talking to you?!"

"For goodness sake Theo you aren't my guardian!"

"Oh so you're okay with some fucking bitch talk to you like that?!"


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