-Chapter 15-

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"Y/N wait!" Mattheo called out again.

This time she stopped and he bumped into her.

"What Theo?! I just told you we can't be a thing because our fathers would kill us!"

"Y/N...please we can make it work, nobody has to know!"

She sighed. "You really love me that much?"

"I knew I loved you the moment you decided to come join me in detention."

"I did not join you, father told me I had to go."

"Well okay then rephrase I knew I loved the moment we snuck out of detention and became friends."

She laughed. "Theo I also love you but-"

He pinned her to a wall. "Listen to me. We don't have to tell anyone. We can risk it all! Please." Y/N could tell he was desperate.

"Fine." She finally said. He laughed and kissed her.

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