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Life was perfectly normal in the world for some time. Nothing extraordinarily supernatural ever occured. Only ancient myths and legends about worlds beyond our own that were chalked up to religious beliefs.

This all took a turn, however, when two realms revealed themselves to the natural world, providing themselves as a bridge between the even more illusive "afterlife." These realms served as hybrids of the natural and supernatural...their inhabitants another bizarre show of this.

The Great Ones, the creators of all existing and not, finally revealed themselves to the natural world when the realms were revealed. They only visited for a short time --quickly vanishing once more into the mist.

Revealed as well were an unnatural race of creatures which could not be killed. These soon became known as the Immortals. Their numbers only grew after the Great Ones left. Though first seen as illusive and feared, the Immortals' proven wisdom and strength eventually lead them to become leaders over many of the Mortals.

The only things left behind from the Great Ones were their three well as a handful of prophecies for many of these Immortals.

Today, I am going to tell you a story about just one of these prophecies...

Enjoy. :)

Ageless (Herobrine X Reader)Where stories live. Discover now