~2~ The New Normal

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         I braced myself for the reaction I knew had to be coming. Kumi was a mediocre student when you took away her status, in fact I was pretty sure I was ranked four spots higher on exams. And while there was no denying she could destroy someone with a punch if she tried, she only barely had a passing grade in PE. In short she wasn't the type one pictured when considering someone to be a bodyguard... and that was often considered two slots easier than what she was suggesting. But as soon as she was finished saying what we had planned, Ms Kaneko only smiled and gave her a nod before looking at me and frowning.
          How was I the one being disapproved of?
         "And you're just going along with that? What is your reason for choosing that path?"
"I love her, and I will do whatever it takes to be by her side. I plan to protect her and support her as she reaches for her dream."
"So you'll give up on your own passions? Isn't that just going to cause problems in the future?"
"She's right Hayami! You should pursue what you want."
            They don't get it.
"Even she agrees. So why are you wasting our time?"
"You're wrong. Why can't anyone get it?! I choose my path, and it's to fulfill my dream! It doesn't matter what profession I take because my dream isn't about how I can affect the world on my own! My dream is to be the best wife to the person I love and I Chose Her to be that person! I'm not going to back down for my own comfort!"
The room had gone quiet and I was sure they were all staring, but I couldn't see because I had wrenched my hand free from Kumi's and moved to stand in front of the door out. If anyone was thinking of running in they'd have to face me.
            Why stop now? If they're going to judge me anyways, I might as well not hold back.
"Kumi isn't strong or skilled and neither of us are really treasures of academic accomplishment. I can't even claim I'll get into a good university with my testing abilities. All I have to give is my aid and my skill at fighting, which is mainly kick someone or hit them at range. The only other thing that might be helpful is I'm fast. That's it. That's all I got. Even so, she's going to need help. I'll die before I leave her to face anything alone!"
           "Kabehana-san, please not so loud."
           "No Mako, she needed to say it."
           I blinked and looked at the three people in the room. I had expected Mr Takashi's uncomfortable expression though it seemed more due to Ms Kaneko's words than mine. Kumi was staring at me with a blushing red face and a shocked expression. The only person who really surprised me was Ms Kaneko. She was shaking her head while giving me an amused smirk.
         "I'm glad it's not just a feeling for you."
         "I Chose Her, that makes it sound more solid than just some deep attraction or passing fling."
          I felt my face burn as I realised what she was getting at, but no words could escape from my lips. I had used them all up in the insane rant that somehow brought memories of a sobbing and crumpled Kumi looking up at me from the backstage floor. I looked towards my lover and saw a smile forming on her face. Suddenly she surged forward and buried her face into my chest as she held on tighter than she ever had before. As she nuzzled into me my own confession really hit me. I had never really thought about it in those terms. Ms Kaneko was right. It didn't sound like just attraction or dating. I realised that I was playing with the wedding band earring that I had once said was a promise when I was trying to be as recklessly romantic as Kumi.
        But maybe it wasn't so reckless... right?
"She's my wife, and I'm hers. I don't care what some law or piece of paper says. I don't care what the government, or our parents, or the program, or you have to say about it. We're not going to separate ever."
"No fair! You can't just say speeches like that and expect me to stay in badass mode."
"Don't worry. I'm really only saying all this because I'm leaning on you. Let go and I'll curl into a ball until you take control again."
It was Ms Kaneko who spoke next and I noticed then that she had turned her whole body so we couldn't see her face at all.
"Now you know why, Mako. I can't let it happen again. Not to her. Not to either of them. You remember what it was like for me. For— you know... I have to help them."
"Then I'll leave them in your care. And please stop referring to me by my first name, Kaneko-san."
           I tried to figure out just what they were talking about but then Mr Takashi interrupted my thoughts.
          "Kabehana-san, do you have the final forms for your registration?"
          "Actually, I have them right here for you."
          Kumi straightened and took a set of forms we had filled out over breakfast. Her shift in stance allowed me to sink comfortably against her despite the difference in height. Mr Takashi took the forms while still looking slightly uncomfortable by how affectionate we were. A groan came from Ms Kaneko before she moved towards the office door.
          "Stop worrying so much, Takashi-san. No one is going to make trouble for you if they get seen. Now come along you two, we have to get to class."
          Kumi took my hand and we followed Ms Kaneko out.

Pearled Oysters Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now