~6~ Awkward Pauses

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I stared at Hayami as she sat with Lily curled up in her lap. Her exclamation in the club had felt like something more than a mere acknowledgment of our current relationship. It was almost like we had truly gotten married when she declared me to be her wife and called me by her last name. Now watching her just exist felt like a wonderful gift that could be taken away so easily. Despite our rocky start and the fact we only started dating months ago, it was starting to feel like an actual future was going to be possible. I wanted to protect that and my beautiful wife. But that wasn't why I was staring at her during this exact moment. She was looking over the packet Ms Kaneko had given us about our first major test. I had read over the packet before. Okay, I had obsessed over every detail and had almost collapsed from exhaustion because I had refused to sleep until I knew everything I needed to pass the test. I promised to go easy from now on, but I was still banned from touching the packet again. Suddenly Hayami stopped reading and looked up at me.
"Stop it."
"Just run me through it one more time."
       Hayami put her fingers to the bridge of her nose and sighed.
"Maybe I should do more drills, or spar with her again."
       Since our rather eventful night at the club, I spent most of my time either playing with my wife or training with Ms Kaneko. The more I saw that woman move in our sparring matches, the more I felt like I had seen someone move the same way. But I still thought I needed to be better. Hayami disagreed.
"You are going to be fine."
"Of the two of us, I have the least experience."
"You're also the one who lasts more than two seconds in the sparring sessions."
I just have been working hard to catch up. It's not because I'm better than you...
"Can you run me through it one more time?"
The look she gave me was one that said she hated seeing me like this when she couldn't be the one to fix it.
"You have to stop worrying."
I gave her a piteous look. It was my only real ace in this situation. I could look as adorable as Lily when she wants something.
"Just humour me."
She let out a sigh and instead of walking me through the steps she chose to make her point clear.
"It's an on the job test at a party on Christmas for two new potentials. We probably won't even have to fight."
I know you don't like fighting especially when I'm involved, but still... I'm worried that your hesitation will end up getting you hurt and not me.
"At least I'm hoping not because I don't want to ruin whatever your wearing until after we get home."
I couldn't take it anymore. I was scared and not wanting to act like the grown up, but most of all I wanted to be comforted. Words just weren't cutting it anymore. Only one thing would work now.
"Move Lily."
She scooped up our cat who made it clear that she didn't like being moved while she slept. It was the most adorable little sound and we hated to upset her, but she was in my spot. As soon as Hayami's lap was available, I sat on it and nuzzled into my wife's chest.

Kumi was always so adorable when she was insecure like this. I did my best to comfort her. Ever since I finally called her my wife and referred to her with my last name, it was like our relationship had reached a new stage. It no longer felt like there was a gap between our feelings but rather that they had fused. It was like I had held myself back from going as deep as she had simply because I still didn't feel like it was real or that I was worthy. But seeing her talking with Rui had been all I needed to confront that insecurity.
Rui was definitely someone who would be considered worthy, but she had her chance long before I was even known to Kumi. And then again when Kumi and I had broken up at the carnival. She was gorgeous in the same way that Lady Rin was. She was from that world and could fit in with the typical life of someone like Kumi. I found myself hating her as I had watched her reacting to Kumi like a lovestruck idiot. And then Kumi let everyone know how things stood. She destroyed my jealousy easily and in a way that I didn't think would happen.
After we had kissed in the throne, Kumi apologised for our interrupting their evening and took me home. The rest of the night was spent truly exploring the entirety of our appetites and it continued on into what was supposed to be our free day for the week. Ever since, it was hard for us to really keep our hands to ourselves. Every chance we got we filled with seeing exactly what we could get away with. It got to the point where Ai stopped trying to tease us and instead seemed envious that we were so solid. Ms Kaneko just kept groaning about how while she's happy we sorted out certain things, she didn't enjoy our relationship getting in the way of our training. She had started drilling us in not just combat but what she considered the best tactics to deal with specific situations. Most of them were how to operate when around a large group of innocent people. And now we were prepping for our first major test, which happened to be at a party. I sighed as my thoughts drifted back to the present. It was beginning to feel like there was actually a chance this would be an easy test for us to pass.
If only Kumi would realise it too.
As she snuggled into my chest, I kissed the top of her head and lovingly ran my fingers through her hair.
       "It's alright to be nervous. I'm constantly feeling like I'm unprepared for the future."
       "What do you do when that happens?"
As I heard her question, I could feel her clutching at my clothes as if she was terrified I would disappear. So I did the only thing that made sense. I lifted her chin so she was looking up at me and kissed her. When we parted lips I smiled as I answered.
       "I look at you and remember we're together."
      "I'm serious!"
      "So am I. As long as we're together I know we'll be able to get through anything."
She let me think about how I had just answered for a moment before she said what she thought of it.
       "You read too many romance manga."
       "And you read too much shonen battle manga."
        We giggled together as we just sat together. I looked down at her and a singular thought echoed in my mind.
       I want to do something special and surprise her.
       "I'm just worried that we'll fail because of me and it was my choice to try this path."

Pearled Oysters Volume 2Where stories live. Discover now