Chapter 21 - 24

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Her footsteps had left slight traces on the carpet. I followed them to the stairwell, I followed her scent to the roof. When I opened the door, squinting my eyes against the light of the rising sun, I saw her. 

 The outline of her body against the blue sky, her hair dancing with the wind. She was standing so close to the edge. 

With every gust of the wind, I saw her body sway. I didn't dare to step closer or look away. I felt so helpless in the face of all-destroying danger. 

She was quietly muttering words, I only heard parts. 

'Please, come back...' She looks over her shoulder and sees me standing there. Tears are flowing over her cheeks. 'Or I never will...'

I want to step closer, but fear is holding me back. Every bone in my body is screaming, almost forcing me to save her. Somehow, I still can't. 

Only now do I notice one of her hands clenching the railing beside her. As if her whole body wanted to jump, to give up, but there was a tiny part of her resisting. She doesn't want to let go yet. 

I sprint over the roof, I can only see her. 

I'm halfway, the air burning in my lungs. 

She lifts one foot, like stepping into a pool. 

A gust of wind steals her.

The grip on the railing loosens. 

I'm so close. 

She falls. 


I've danced to his tunes for a long time, thinking I was singing them myself. Only recently I turned around and saw his lips moving along to the melodies. 


I grab ahold of her wrist. She swings below me with the morning traffic in the background. She doesn't look at me, she doesn't thank me for saving her. She quietly hums along to a song, staring down, as if she still expected herself to fall. 

I pull her up to the roof and hold her in my arms, ever so tightly. 'Why did you do that,' I whisper, 'you could've died.'

For a while it's silent, only the sound of the city fills the air. But then she chuckles, a faint smile on her face. She stares at the horizon, seeing something I'm blind to. 'I can't do this again.' 

Tears fill her eyes, she leans back into my arms, I know I've lost her. 

I don't dare to move for I don't know what's waiting for me after this. So I look at the rising sun, the golden light. If I was to move, I had to admit that I failed. Not only the assignment, given to me by the Duke, but also her. She had trusted me, she had truly believed that I could save her. 

But instead, I walk her into the lion's den. Now, Julia was shoved so far back into her mind, that it seemed impossible to get her out of that dark corner ever again. 

I know that I'll have to turn her in. I'll have to go back to the Duke, I'll have to betray her trust once again. Even more now I've called Winston to solve my problems, it'll only be a matter of time before the Duke knows. 

I won't get Julia back, not after this, not after the Duke. Whatever's occupying her mind will not allow that, they'll try to protect her life by not letting her live. 

I don't blame them. After all, she really isn't safe. If what she said was true, that she actually is an Alekti, then she'll have bigger problems on her hands than me. Miller will hunt her, track her down until he has her again. He won't allow anyone to take what's his, not even when he doesn't want it anymore. 

The Duke will try his best to protect her, but who knows if he succeeds? Who knows how long it'll take to get Julia back into her own mind and back to her strength? For all we know, we'll try to reach her for only a week before Miller busts down our door. Maybe she's lost forever. 

But one thing's for sure, I'll try my damn best to get her back. 

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