Chapter 36

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"I'll never give up, I'll never give in,

'Til I'm bloody and bruised.

'Til I've broken my bones

'Til I won't be abused

'Til I'm laughing alone."

Rob Cantor (I'm gonna win)

He took me to his mansion, he only wanted to help me. I was taken to the armoured dungeon. They gave me a sedative, chained me up, locked the door and left me there. And the only thing I could think about was freedom. I had gotten a taste of it, I had been free. It had only been for a moment, a gasp of air. But it made me realize I was suffocating for so long. So, when they started to strangle me again, I was not going to sit there and take it. 

It reminds me of something Sally said to me, before he punished me for misbehaving, and took her away. Before he made me believe it had been my fault that she was gone. She had said that frogs will jump out if you put them in boiling water. But if you put them in a bowl of water and you slowly, but surely, increase the heat, they will sit there until they're boiled alive. 

When she told me, I didn't know what she meant. I thought it was a trick of his to see if I would still be loyal to him when he wasn't around. I had ignored it and I locked myself away because I thought it was the right thing to do. But only now, I realize she was trying to help me. 

But now, a switch has been flicked. Something's changed.

The manipulation had done a good job in driving me crazy. But the moment I knew I could leave that horrid place, a bomb had started ticking. The moments I would regain consciousness were more and more frequent. The only thing I missed to get rid of her was blood. It would make me more powerful, I would be able to stop this shit show once and for all.

It was easy to break the chains. The sedative was meant for young vampires, but couldn't contain an Alekti. The door was even less of a challenge. The bullets were not fast enough to catch me. Nobody dared to touch me - they wanted to survive.I left the mansion and ran until I saw the first sign of civilization. I needed to know I was far away before I fed myself. 

I'd thought that the watch tower was a part of the town that was close to the mansion. But it had been full of his servants. I didn't have a choice but to kill them. I lit the tower on fire to make sure the communication equipment was not usable anymore so they couldn't call for help.

Once I saw the blood, I lost control. The moment I regained consciousness was when I saw him. I dropped the heart. I knew I had to flee, before he led them to me. I didn't have much time, and I didn't know if he was bugged or not, so I couldn't warn him as much as I wanted, and I had to go. 

The first place I went was a local theme park. I knew it was close to here, as I had heard nurses talk about it at the hospital. It was horror-themed, so they wouldn't think it to be weird for someone to walk around in a bloodied hospital gown. I even got some compliments about the realness of my outfit. 

Once there, I took some clothes from the lost-and-found and I got dressed in the toilets. I washed most of the blood off and went back to the Jaguar. 

While in there, I put turned the phone I found back on. I didn't care about them tracking me anymore. After all, this Jaguar was probably full of trackers, too. They won't attack me in public, though. A smartphone's camera is the biggest enemy of a vampire. 

I looked on a satellite map to look for close-by farmers. I needed weapons and that was the one place where I was sure to find those, because, chances are, those farmers are conservative and are used to having to protect their livestock from predators. Which means guns. 

After memorizing the route, I left the phone in the back of someone's pickup truck. Maybe it'll give me an advantage if they will go after the phone, too.  

Stealing from the farmers was like taking candy from a baby, as most of them don't really think they'll be robbed in bright daylight. But in case they did find out, I left a note that said that the Jaguar parked by the road was theirs to take. It was only fair as I'd also carjacked the truck parked by one of the fields. 

With axes, guns, ammo, knives and a baseball bat, I was almost done. There was only one thing I still had to do. 

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