Chapter 38

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"I hope you know we had everything

When you broke me and left these pieces

I want you to hurt like you hurt me today and

I want you to lose like I lose when I play."

-Sting (What could've been)

The last truck supply of blood before the mansion goes into lockdown. I slide under it, holding onto its underside. When the truck parks by the back of the mansion, I drop. 

The sun is going under and shrouds the mansion in a golden light. It seems unfitting for what I'm about to do. I detach the axes from my belt and sneak out from under the truck. I slam the blunt part against the neck of the truckdriver, rendering him unconscious. I hold his head back just in time to keep it from slamming into the horn and alerting the entire mansion of my presence. 

I push him off to the side and make my way to his partner who's unloading the big kegs of blood. I do the same to her before I throw her into the back of the truck and close the doors. I don't use the servants entrance, as there'll probably be guards waiting there for the last delivery. I don't want to alert them just yet. 

The whole of the mansion has gone silent. Every single servant has been confined to their quarters and it's only the footsteps of the patrolling guards that make any noise at all. It reminds me of the last night before I lost my freedom. 

The tension I felt back then. The tension I'm feeling again, right now. I suppose it wasn't so different, after all. 

I'd practised keeping my emotions completely under control. Whatever he said, I would remain conscious. I would remain there. He wouldn't be able to send me to the back of my mind. I'd faked taking the medication a couple of times, so there was less chance that she'd take over, anyway. Instead of taking the pills, I'd stashed them in my cell. 

I felt my power grow steadily and when I felt it was strong enough, I broke out. I killed a man, used the pills to poison another one, and tried to shoot the third one before I was disarmed. I was one guard away from killing him.

But I can't keep staying in the past. He's gone. 

But that won't stop me from taking revenge. 

I keep low to the ground so there's less chance the guards spot me. I get to the entrance of the cellar and break the padlock with an axe. It makes more sound than I'd like, but this is the only entrance that they won't guard. After all, why waste guards protecting the human's food? It's not like the humans the main reason why this mansion hasn't decayed into ruins because vampires are too vain to do any of the work themselves. 

It's dark in the cellar but my Alekti eyes get used to the darkness. When I was making my transition into Alekti, this cellar was used for me. It didn't have the extra entrance back then, though. But the cold and darkness hasn't changed one bit. This cellar had endured quite some of my frustrated and enraged attacks, but it never budged. 

Before I can reach the door, the lights turn on. 

My heart skips a beat and I twist, my axe ready to be thrown. I freeze when I see the Duke standing there, leaning against the stone wall, his hands in his pockets. 

I didn't think I'd be able to take my revenge so quickly. Its sweet taste already fills my mouth and I get a tighter grip on the axes. 

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