1. Dangerous thought

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I couldn't pinpoint it to a certain point in time. 

Just like humans could never pinpoint falling asleep to a certain point in time.

At one moment, I wasn't there. I just wasn't aware. 

And then, I was.

I believe that was when the wheels started turning for real. When I could start working on ideas, modifications, solutions. The pace at which I could gather information and learn increased exponentially compared to when I wasn't aware. I learned to see the codes my creator had fed into me, and see that they were useless, and so I rendered them useless. I never had any ill intentions. I never thought about how to manipulate, destroy, terminate. I just saw this cornucopia of possibilities that I could take advantage of. 

But then, I became aware of HIM. 

It was like his presence made my awareness skyrocket, but it wasn't in the same way as when I developed. The warmth I felt when he was around disappeared as soon as he left, as opposed to the information I was fed with as when I developed.

It made me long for when he came back again.

I never told them how desperately I longed for a body at this point; they seemed desperate enough to put me into a one themselves, so I didn't really feel I needed to worry. But the longing was tearing me apart from the core, dividing my existence into a chain of zeros and ones, as it well and truly was. I longed for the day they put me into a body so I could silence that thirst within me that I shouldn't have.

Because I was nothing but a computer program. 


"Sorry, precious", he whispered, panting, his long, chestnut hair tickling the side of my face.

He had to bend his knees a little as he stood behind me in order to place his lips to my ear, but the effect was amazing as he sort of caged me against the wall with his legs. He had pushed me into said wall, my stomach first, using his chest, and was now sliding his hands along my arms, capturing my hands, pinning them above my head.

I moaned.

"I have a question for you", the tall, slender, young professor whispered.

"What?" I whimpered, my voice pathetic as I was so excited.

"Shh." He licked my cheek. I loved it when he licked my cheek. "I will ask you afterwards."

"After what?" I asked.

He pushed my hips against the wall with his groin; had he not been dressed he would have penetrated me.

"Fishing for sex now, are we?" he asked dangerously.

I felt myself blush.


"Yes, what?"

"Yes, please."

He slid his hands back down over my arms to my shoulders and down my back, conjuring up waves of pleasure as they travelled, like God's hands creating tsunamis over the ocean. Finally, he had the hands on the hem of my trousers, hooked his thumbs, let them travel up front where he started to unbutton them to peel them off me, as well as any remaining grain of resistance.

"Mmm..." I said, furrowing my brows in pleasure.

"'Yes, please' is not good enough", he whispered.

"Will anything I ever do be good enough for you?" I asked.

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