5. Epilepsy

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I started reading.

I went to the library of the medical faculty, borrowing thick books about neurology which I sat down with for hours. It was work that I had to do outside of my own studies, so my sleeping schedule was slightly deprived, but I learned fast, and I found it incredibly interesting.

I did, however, not come closer to a solution to the problem. The chip was small, yes, but would cover an area of brain that encompassed thousands upon thousands of neurons, and each of them needed to be connected to the chip. It seemed an impossible task.

Beside thinking about the problem ahead, I also took some time to think about the conversation I'd had with Tobirama. It had been interesting to say the least, which was more than I could say about some actual people I'd conversed with. And I couldn't help but think about how professor Senju had the computer on at night, enabling Tobirama to collect more and more information at an incredible speed. I wondered how it would be like to converse with him now, when a few more days had passed...

As my thoughts got stuck in the conversation with Tobirama I thought that maybe, I would feel less distracted if I read in professor Senju's lab instead of my apartment or the library. But as I blipped my card, opened the door to the building and then unlocked the door to the lab in the same way, I realised that working in the lab would provide a whole new level of distraction because Professor Senju worked there, too. 


Professor Senju was standing in front of his computer, dressed in a black shirt and cream chinos. His hair was loose, and he had his glasses on.

He looked fantastic.

I saw he was coding something on Tobirama, and I was suddenly curious about the two of them together. What kind of conversations did they have? Did they even converse? Surely, he must test his creation, right? And did Tobirama have a different tone with him than with me? I thought back to the tone Tobirama had had with me; pretty neutral, even if it did contain a hint of humour. 

"Professor Senju", I said, looking to the side, suddenly very aware of myself.

He approached me then, towered over me, pressed himself against me, grabbing my chin with his fingers, firmly but not harshly.

"I thought we were on first name basis", he said darkly.

"Hashirama", I said; I felt daring.

He connected our lips.

"Mmm", I moaned, closing my eyes, grabbing his arms.

He de-clattered the desk behind me by just swiping his hands so that everything, pens and notepads and whatnot, fell to the ground, leaned over me so I had to bend backwards over the desk. He pulled his fingers through my hair lovingly, his lips just as soft as his caress. His hands continues along my arms, tattooing lines, all the way to my palms until he could pin my hands on the desk above my head.

He pulled down my trousers then, turned me around so I was on my stomach on the desk, still standing with my Vans on the floor. He put his fingertip to me, let his finger slide in, spent some time stretching me until I was a mewling, moaning mess.

"God, Izuna..."

"Hashirama", I said.

I felt the now-so-familiar sensation of his tip at my opening, and instinctively pushed myself back against it.

He sighed as he penetrated me.

I screamed.


He thrusted, the desk making incredible noises beneath us that would have woken the dead.

Oh, wow, that was insensitive considering the location. Never mind. 

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