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Hey everyone! As I'm writing this, the eight chapter is currently being made. I've been very busy with work but I promise you I'll get this chapter out by either tomorrow or later today.

Anyway. This is time for me to reflect on what I've done and to ask you guys, the readers some questions.

First, how do you like the story so far? I know Shirou hasn't done much yet but I have big plans for him. He might even get a old friend back, who knows.

Second, I want to integrate Unlimited Blade Works soon but I need to make it a perfect segue for Shirou to use it. Should I let him use it during the first fight against Ragyo or during the Sudden Death Runoff?

That's all my questions for now. For progression of the eight chapter, it's about 1/6 done but don't worry, it'll be finished soon.

Thank you for reading Kill La Kill: Unlimited Blade Works up to this point.

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