Chapter 2 Hazel

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Hello again the next chapter is Oliver point of view! 


       Chapter Two Hazel

Oliver had taken Hazel to a rock face with vines and roots dangling off it. Oliver ran his hand parting the vines until he found a small opening.

"Oliver," Hazel kept whispering. Why did he keep his name a secret? Did he not like it?

She looked at the stone walls. The light from the fire made their shadows dance. "Oliver isn't a bad name" She told Oliver again.

"I know"

"I like the name Oliver" She told him for the millionth time

"Don't wear it out!" Oliver said, pushing her gently away from him.

Hazel thought he might enjoy the company, but did not know what to do with it. Oliver seemed to have been alone for a long time. That thought made her shiver.


Her gaze drifted to the shadows. She loved how they danced.

She stood up to walk to the fire as the cold bit at her. The fire inches in front of her. The flames lick at her. Oliver pulled her away as the fire almost touched her.

"You're nut to get that close" Oliver said.

"You're nuts," She corrected.

"What?" He asked.

"You said, 'you're nut.' It's you're nuts" Hazel explained.

A small soft smile spride on his face, "Whatever Nut"

"What was that! Did you give me a nickname already" Hazel's hands move to her hips. "You don't know me." Hazel said, flinging her long chestnut hair over her shoulder.

"I know you're nuts, and like to get close to fire. You have chestnut colored hair. Elves' also name their kids after plants. Your name is Hazel, like hazelnut." He empathized the nut. He mocked her hair flip, though not all his hair made it thought because it was to long.

"You're strange." Hazel noted

"Better than weird?"

"I think so."

Oliver let out a snort, "Go to sleep before I go insane," Oliver said sitting on the cold stone floor.

"On the floor?"

"Yup. Where else to sleep?" Oliver said as he splashed water at the fire from a small stream that ran through the cave.

Hazel looked around the cave, it was larger than she realized now that the fire was gone.

With the fire gone the shadows closed in. The shadows felt like a blanket of cold. Hazel wrapped her jacket around her as she shivered. Her eyes grew heavy as a soft breeze blew in the cave. She sank to the floor, her back against the wall. Hazel

closed her eyes as they were to heave to keep open. Oliver moved to the other side of the large cave, which was the darkest.

Hazel drifted into a dark slumber. 

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