Chapter 3 Oliver

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I posted 2 chapters last mouth!  I am working on chapter 13, I am on a steady roll. more updates more ferquitentily coming soon!

*me realizing I am only talking to myself,*


Oh wait that's me.

   Chapter Three Oliver

Oliver woke to a stream of light leaking through the crack right above where a raspberry bush grew. Oliver looked over at the elf that had fallen into his hands. He smiled to himself as he stood. She was clueless. She thought he was an elf.

Oliver sat close to Hazel. Her breath was slow. Oliver watched her closely, a million questions riled around his head. What was she thinking about when they were in the woods? She wasn't thinking about his name. How did she get lost or how did she get this far in the woods at all? What was she doing here? Was she one of the elves trying to hunt him down, and this was a new strategy.

He looked toward the entrance of the cave. The wind mimicked the tornado of questions in his head.

Oliver quietly walks to the entrance of the cave. He bust the vines away from the entrance and his raven flew to meet him.

Oliver turned his head to Hazel, her jacket laying on top of her.

Oliver headsed out the cave to get to the old run down orchard. The orchard was in the middle of nowhere even before the elves invaded that area so it was a perfect place to find some food.

Oliver's raven flew ahead to see if anyone else was in the forest. Oliver climbed a tree so nothing could follow his scent. Oliver spotted his raven in the distance.

All clear, Oliver's raven turned abruptly. Maybe not, Oliver thought. Oliver watched closely as he climbed higher in the tree. He stopped on a not so big twig. He watched her circle over the hidden cave.

He tried to look at the base of the rock, but the leaves blocked his view. His heart was pounding against his ribs. Oh, please not today, Oliver thought, no elf had ever found the hidden cave he called home. He let out a half sigh and growl, when he saw that it was Hazel looking around. He was hoping that she would stay asleep a little longer.

He hoped to a limb right next to Hazel, and sightly jumped down not evening making a noise, and than said, "Hello"

Hazel looked like she was going to jump out of her skin. "Where-how. What?" She stammered. Hazel skin had gone deathly pale. Her freckles on her face looked like snowflakes.

"I jumped out of a tree. Why?" He asked calmly. Oliver looked to the sky, "You stay here. I'm going to get food."

Oliver started to turn away, but Hazel was quicker. Hazel asked the question he was trying to avoid. "Why don't I go with you?"

"It would be quicker and safer if you stayed here."

"But I don't want to stay here."

"But-" Hazel went to grab his wrist and it took up all his will power to not cut off her hand.

"If you're leaving, I'm coming too." Oliver looked into Hazel's eyes for the first time. There was pure determination in her hazel nut eyes. Oliver stared into them to see if they would waver, they never did.

Oliver let out a quiet sigh, "it would be useless to waste my breath."

"Yup!" Hazel said cheerfully and started skipping to the left.

"You're going the wrong way, Nut," Oliver called after her.

"I knew that!"

"Okay, lead the way."

"Oh. Well I need to make sure you know the way."

"Sure, sure," Oliver said.

Oliver turned and started to walk quickly to the abandoned ocher. "If you know the way then you don't have to have me lead you there." Oliver called to her.

Oliver glazed over his shoulder to the elf that he welcomed now. Hazel had to jug next to him to keep up. A smile was warmly spread across her face. Oliver looked ahead, a flick of a warm familiar feeling buzzed inside him.

Oliver tried to stay ahead of Hazel, but Hazel would grab his cap when he would start gaining.

Oliver stopped apurtily when they reached the wall. Hazel crashed straight into him, and Oliver stumbled so when he stopped the skull that was planted firmly on his head was inches away from the ivy cover fence post.

"Sorry Oliver," Hazel said.

"Eh it was," Oliver looked up to the sky, and blinked. Oliver turned to Hazel and blinked.

"What?" Hazel asked

Oliver didn't answer for a moment, but then said, "Fun. It was fun."

Hazel blinked a few times. She looked like she wasn't sure what to make out of this information. "Oh."

After a while she gave Oliver a bright smile, "Yeah. I guess it was fun."

Oliver felt the end of his mouth twitch upwards, as he picked apples as he replaced the recent memory over and over again to frimly place it into his head.

"Do they have more than one fruit here," Hazel called to Oliver as she tried to climb a tree.

"I think they have a tree called Van Aken," Oliver said, "I believe some breed it. It can prudence many fruits"

"Wow! Can you show me?" Hazel said, finally in the tree. She beamed down at Oliver, "I'm taller than you!"

"Higher," Oliver called up to her.

Hazel pulled her lower lip out, "you're no fun."

"Maybe I will once I show you that tree," Oliver teased.


"Maybe later, Nut."


"Oliver, please show me that multifruit tree!" Hazel cried


Oliver looked over his shoulder to her as he started to walk, "You coming?"

"We're going? Really?"

"If you only want to eat apples and not some almonds or plums," Oliver said.

"Plums are my favorite!"

"Oh I thought they were Hazelnuts," Oliver said, a sly grin spread smoothly across his face.

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