15 2 0

Two thing  back to back. 

Way to go me!


Oliver's raven

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Oliver's raven. I have never drawn a bird this close before. I am very proud of it so I hope you like it.



Its not as nice I as I wanted it to be but hey i like it

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Its not as nice I as I wanted it to be but hey i like it.

(The new character is gay. That's the reason has a rainbow)



The fence around the orchid can be seen in the background

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The fence around the orchid can be seen in the background.

Okay NOW this is the last one. this is the beginning of the Raven. (Uncolor)

Now I'm making up words. lol


Isn't it beautiful? I think it is

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Isn't it beautiful? I think it is.

Tell me which you like the best! Also please tell me if you want to see more of my art. Thanks for reading!

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