Chapter Nine Nathen

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Guys I am working in chapter 21. I also have a goal on publishing it by the end of next year.

Guys school started  yesterday for me... on a Thursday can you believe it.

         Chapter Nine Nathen

It was confirmed Nathen was terrified of Oliver. The dude could growl! He was surrounded by twenty or more people that were way larger than him and he called a guy scared!

"Watch your mouth elf." One of them called to Oliver.

Nathen left out a nervous swallow, call me dead please, Nathen thought, or dead me, that's cool too.

One man went in and Oliver easily scared him off. Then three came out at him and he let out a loud growl.

"Where's the muzzle?" one asked.

Some started laughing, and Oliver looked ready to pounce.

Nathen could tell that he was studying each and every one of them, then he did the last thing Nathen would do. He ran straight at one of them, the shortest and leaped over to one to his shoulders, pushed off the guard sending him into a tree, then landing in the same spot where he was. Nathen's jaw dropped, if he blinked he would have missed it. It was as if the wind did it for him.

Many of them step back, A crack of a smile slid on Oliver's lips.

"All we have to do is keep him at bay." One shouts.

"And how do we do that?" another yelled as some people left the circular.

Five in the circle now, Oliver's stance didn't waver.

They all went at him and that's when he lost it. Oliver slammed one into a tree. One of the men in black pulled Oliver to the ground with his mess of hair.

"Should have cut this off. Uh?" The one snears. He puts an arm on Oliver's neck cutting off his blood stream, "Nasty fighter you are," he growls at Oliver. The large black male pulls Oliver's skull, "I wonder how you killed this dragon," He says looking at the skull.

Nathen didn't hear the thought, he was too focused on Oliver's ears. They were round.

Oliver's eyes were bright blue, one was lighter than the other, scars running all over his face.

Oliver went limp, his face blue.

"A human helping an elf," One whispers.

Some were frozen where they stood, others were blinking confused.

Ms. Williams took the lead, "Pick up the elf and put her with the others, and put the boy in my outers." She announced. "Nathen, follow me."

I am dead, so dead, that was all he could think about, staring at the limp body of Oliver. Ms Williams stood quietly in the corner.

"Was his name," She paused. "Oliver?"

Nathen could only nod.

Ms Williams laughed, "You're not going to get in trouble." She told Nathen, putting a hand on his shoulder, her usual cold demeanor gone.

"What?" Nathen said, relief flooding through him, but also he was confused, "I'm not in trouble." Nathen blinked, "I broke the most important rule, don't go outside during a lockdown, follow the lock down rules." Nathen says, throwing his arms up, "I didn't even try to get to the second story. I stayed in the library, doing what you may ask!" Nathen said, looking like he was going to pull his hair out, "Reading because I was mad." He stated, his hands clapped together and his fingertips touched his forehead.

Ms William blinked, "If you want to be punished, that can be arranged." She told him.

"What, no!" Nathen said, shaking his head back and forth "No way."

Ms William turned serious, and she turned to the peaceful looking Oliver, "I haven't seen him in a long time" Her dull green eyes seemed to brighten, "It feels like a lifetime."

"You know him?" Nathen asked, "How? Why wasn't he raised here?"

"Oh simple, his father didn't want him to be stuck underground. Where it was safe." She wiped a dry eye. Faker, Nathen thought, you don't really miss him, "Elves did the rest."

"His hair needs to get cut, or washed," Nathen said.

Ms Williams ran his hair through her fingers. "I agree but I'll let my son decide that" She told Nathen.

"But you don't have a son," Nathen said slowly as it dawned on him. "He's your son." Nathen whispered, feeling like he should have known. How many books do you have to read, to find out your horrible about making theories, he thought.

"His name is Oliver Williams, the son of a fool," she said bitterly.

"What are you going to do?" Nathen asked kindly, a grieving mother, that's why she's so bitter all the time, Nathen thought sarcastically.

"What am I going to do," She lets out a snort. Here we go, he thought, "When he wakes up you are going to give him a tour of the first floor and second floor, ONLY" She said.

"So what am I going to do when he sleeps," a sharp edge creeping into his voice.

"A tone, I see." She puts sourly, "You will wait for him to wake. Get a cook to deliver food to my dorm."

Your mother is evil, Nathen thought as he looked at Oliver.

There was a small clicking noise, and Nathen's head shot up, and He let out a groan. Ms Williams is the cruelest person alive, Nathen thought. 

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