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April 25th, 2022
I had this dream yesterday night.

I was at my childhood home by the ocean in Chile. Taj and Max were there, too. They were off somewhere, making out or something. I was on the second floor in my parent's bedroom. I wandered around looking at things nostalgically and organizing stuff around the room.

Looking around, I spotted a butterfly. What immediately struck me about this butterfly was its tail. Do butterflies have tails? Well, this one did. It was long, colorful, and made out of the same material as its wings. Perhaps they were its wings. Anyways, I caught it in my hands as gently as I could, (which was hard considering how long its tail was) and walked to the window. I opened it, and let it out. Only, it wabbled a little, sitting on the windowsill. I was worried because I was afraid I might've hurt it when I had it in my hands. However, a few seconds later, it flew away.

Going back to the room, I walked towards my mom's closet. The one next to the window where you can see the jacuzzi through the glass roof of the room below. On her dresser was a plastic box container, and inside it was a huge-ass lobster. A live one. I nearly shat my pants at this. Why the fuck was there a live lobster there? But a second later I realized it was a stuffed animal. I stared at it confused and figured I had just seen it wrong.

The scene then shifted, and I found myself in an arena, taking part in some sort of competition quite similar to The Hunger Games. I was being accompanied by two other people. A boy and a girl. I cannot say for sure, but I think it might've been Taj and Max again. The difference between the Hunger Games and the arena I was in, is that we were running away from something, but it wasn't other contestants.

Eventually, following a special map, we left the path and hid behind two buildings we spotted. Getting closer, I realized they were empty cottages. They had windows all around them, in a long rectangular line. This stressed me out because I was afraid that the people following us would see us through the windows. Suddenly, we saw a bunch of people in hazmat suits approach us from the path we had just left.

Quickly hiding behind the cottage, I tried to keep an eye on them as best as I could through the windows, without being spotted. I would walk around the cottage slowly, avoiding the person in the hazmat suit that was walking around it, trying to find me. At some point, I entered the doorway, which was missing the door, and hid inside. At this point, the place was swarming with people in hazmat suits, and it was terrifying. I could physically feel my heart beating in my chest.

I put my hands on my chest and breathed deeply to try and calm down, I knew that if I freaked out, or was too afraid, they would find me. But just as I was letting out my breath, one of them turned and looked inside the window. I sighed, defeated, but unwilling to give up just yet.

I ran out the doorway and tried joining the other two to escape. We didn't get far before the woman was suddenly flung 10 feet into the air by a force of magic. When she was chucked back down, I felt the full force of the impact. It vibrated and expanded throughout my entire body, and it felt like all the air was forced out of my lungs.

She didn't survive.

Or so I initially thought- a second later,  it was like she had never been thrown into the air. That had never happened, she had never died.

I saw the man and woman having a conversation about something important, how in the future they would be parents, they'd have babies. The woman was crying because they both knew that the man had to go. The man was also sad, but he'd come to terms with it. His time was up. As they both hugged and cried, one of their future children came up and stabbed the man on the side of his stomach. The woman had been fully expecting that, but couldn't do anything to avoid it. As the knife pierced his flesh, I once again felt the blow. The searing pain in my side pulsed, like a heartbeat.

Just then, the scene changed once more. Just like before, it was like he had never been stabbed. The man was perfectly fine, the woman had once more been thrown into the air and killed on impact.

I woke up with a tingling sensation, and the feeling of breathlessness and searing pain was still fresh in my memory. I can't say why, but I can only imagine we were being shown different outcomes of that moment.

A Dreamer's Reawakening (2021~)Where stories live. Discover now