Ch 6: Part III - Charlotte

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Walking out to find the guys lounging in the living room was awkward. Especially knowing they'd heard us. Thanks to my quick thinking earlier and forcing them to buy groceries before we arrived, we were fully stocked for the storm that was raging outside.

We settled in with popcorn and beer to watch some action movies. Because it was my birthday, I got to pick the first movie.

"Lawless." They all groaned. Zane asked why. I was sitting in his lap – he wouldn't let me sit anywhere else. Danny had made a face but otherwise hadn't answered when Zane had asked him if he had a problem. "It's my favorite movie."

"We've watched it at least thirty times." Abe added, though he clicked on it and started it without another word. Everett turned off the lamp, throwing us into darkness. Zane pulled the blanket over our laps, causing Danny to glare at over at us.

Halfway through the movie, the storm cut the power again.

"Alright. Early night it is." Danny muttered before heading off to his room. Zane led me back to my room by the hand.

We were cuddling bed five minutes later when I got Danny's text to come to his room, alone.

"Hurry back because I want you on my dick again." Zane ordered, kissing me until I couldn't remember much else but his words as I stumbled in the dark across the living room to the room Danny had claimed.

"Close the door." Danny started when I stepped inside. I closed the door and turned to find him and the guys on the bed. They were all holding a blunt. "Come join us, birthday girl." I joined them, moving in beside Danny.

"Sorry tonight turned out so shitty." Abe offered with the blunt he handed me. I shrugged, none of us talking for a few minutes. They understood when I said I liked to smoke in silence.

"Get out, guys." Danny ordered, both of them moving to follow his orders. Once we were alone, Danny watched me in the dark for a bit. "Did Uncle Zane force you?"


"He threaten you?"


"Ok." He tossed a line of condoms into my lap. "Don't let him steal your future." I frowned at his words but carried my blunt and the condoms back to my room. Zane was waiting, jerking off while he waited for me. I tossed the condoms on his chest when I paused beside the bed.

"Did you cum, the first time?" I asked, watching him as I hit the blunt.


"Where." He ignored my question. "Zane?"

"You've got a minute to get naked and get in bed before I start counting."

"Counting for what?"

"The number of spankings you'll get after I cum."

Throughout the night, Zane woke me up repeatedly to thoroughly use my body. To the point someone knocked on the door around three in the morning to tell us to shut the fuck up already.

Waking up the next morning was hard. I was so exhausted. I stumbled into the kitchen and started the coffee pot, thankful there was one. Zane stood with me, holding me and rubbing my back as I waited for the coffee pot.

"I want you again." He whispered against my ear as the sound of someone's door opening reached us. I bit my lip when my body clenched in response.

"No." He pulled away to look at me.

"Morning." Danny announced, oddly subdued.

Throughout breakfast – cooking, eating, and then cleaning – Zane didn't speak. The moment I finished washing dishes? He took my hand and led me back into the room, Danny's protests dying when Zane shut the door behind us.

"When I say I want you, it's not a question." Zane started, backing me up towards the bed. "I will get what I want, Charlotte." He pushed me onto the bed and was on me a moment later. I never had a chance. He held me down and came inside me yet again.

I went with the guys to the mall to shop an hour later, leaving Zane at the cabin by himself. It was nice. I got nervous when Danny said he'd invited a couple friends from school for the birthday party he had planned for me tonight. That didn't sound too promising, considering all I wanted to do was homework and sleep. No matter how much I said this, Danny told me he wouldn't cancel. 

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