16. Eye of the Storm

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1998: Eye of the Storm

the calm region at the center of a storm or hurricane

They're both lifeless on twin cots in Grimmauld place living room. A place that Harry didn't really know and a place that Ollie despised. 

But it was safe. 

Because the moment Voldemort fell lifeless beneath the bloodied hands of Ollie Potter, the deatheaters rioted-screaming that this wasn't how it was suppose to go. That she had taken everything from them. Their homes and their power-but Harry was having none of it. 

As Ollie fell to the side, the magic bleeding out of her-Harry swung his wand, and sent the rest of the deatheaters toppling with what magic Ollie had pushed into him, and they fell. As George kissed Ollie, and the storm fell around them, Harry toppled-overwhelmed. 

So the storm erupted. 

It threw stones and it wrecked walls. 

Hogwart's crashed down around them-leaving them all in the rubble as the last of the Potter line lay in heaps. 

Now, only two days later, George stared at Ollie as he was stationed on a couch with Ginny beside him, only staring. 

Because they weren't moving and the arguing in the kitchen had only increased with every passing hour. 

Because Voldemort was dead-but what about the others. The revenge seekers and the avengers. Those that had their homes burnt to the ground-and their money spent by the careless hand of a leader they cherished but was now dead. 

George startled-as a bolt of lightning cracked, lighting the living room up into a flash of blue and then the thunder rumbled, so he jolted to Ollie's side as the kitchen ceased into silence at last. 

"Ollie?" George whispered, reaching for her-but afraid, for what if it was unmanageable? 

But she couldn't breathe. 

She struggled, shook and lightning sparks shot across her skin so George did what he did best and made a reckless decision. 

He kissed her, and the living room exploded-all save for Harry on his cot. 

The fireplace mantle crumbled into pieces, and the portraits fell off the wall into pieces. The couch overturned, taking Ginny with it and the arm chair exploded into pieces. The stairs shrieked an unfortunate tune and the kitchen doors bounced off the walls as the family spilled into the living room. 

George pulled away, just as Ollie's eyes opened to that brilliant shade of green that George adored. 

And the storm calmed. 

Because she caught sight of that earthy shade of brown in his, and her heart stilled-before beating steadily all at once, because there he was. 


And she was alive. 


Ollie spun, knocking George across the rib cage that caused him to gasp out in shock, and she turned-spotting Harry who lay still on his cot and breathing steadily. 

"He's alright, Olivia." Remus hurried forward, tugging Sirius along as they rushed to her side. Overstepping the destruction and madness between. "Just overwhelmed with magic, that's all." Remus reassured, then placed his hand in her hair. 

It frizzled and cracked, but Ollie let him-even going so far as to let her tears form as she reached for Sirius. 

"It's over-it's really over?" She croaked, reaching for George who fit into her other side happily.

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