MC info

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A/N: updated the drawing cuz my last one was absolute ass.

Name: Lily W. Thaldycon
(I really don't know if any Galra have surnames but imma go with it)

Age: 18 (season 1)

Species: Half Galran half human

Pronouns: she/her

Height: 5'3

General appearance: She is asian, Chinese to be specific. She has fluffy white hair and her dad's markings. She has a death hawk cut and takes pride in her hairstyle. When she's not in scrubs, she wears mostly combat clothing. No one knows why and whenever people ask, she just says it's comfy. Her eyes are a piercing yellow.

Role: medic/bodyguard

Occupation: Surgeon at the Garrison hospital, head of general surgery to be exact.

Strengths: really good at surgery, defining med terms, beating people up (ironic isn't it?)

Weaknesses: abandonment issues, daddy issues, hot headed

Likes: learning new medical shit, gnarly surgeries, pulling her weight and contributing, medical mysteries, medical dramas

Dislikes: people making fun of her last name (you will be punched), dead beat parents, her mom's expectations, her stepfather, losing patients during surgery

Lion: Paladin of the orange lion, Voltron's bodyguard/steed (fuck it I made it up)

Other facts:
- Ulaz is her dead beat dad.
- because of that, her mom did everything she could to make sure her daughter was successful.
- that included putting her in rigorous medical classes and making her study at all hours of the day.
- Her mom made her that "teen prodigy" who had no friends
- Lily's mom wanted her to be the very best, skill-wise and personality-wise, unlike "that bastard who left us"
- has no clue where her dad is and often asks herself if it was her fault that he left.
- her mom is dating another dude named Larry who thinks it's his place to order her around and mock her appearance
- mama had another little girl named Cassie, Lily promises to get her out of there one day.


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