Part 15: Thieves

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⬆️ POV: you're the hospital lounge room's microwave.

"Attention damaged craft, this is Princess Allura. We are coming to assist you." Allura announced into the microphone. She carefully landed the Castle close to the downed ship.

"Stay aboard and try to get as many of our systems clear of that galra crystal energy as you can. We'll see who hailed us." Allura said to Coran.

"Yes, princess." Allura and the rest of the paladins made their way off castle to greet the refugees in need.

"You don't know how glad we are to see some friendly faces. Most folks don't want to get tangled up with anyone on the run from the Galra." The purple alien said, standing up.

"So you guys are fighting the empire?" Lily asked as the group approached them.

"Well, I don't think Zarkon is exactly quaking in his boots at the three of us but we do what we can. I'm Rolo," he said before turning to the girl and the robot that was with him, "this is Nyma and our cyber unit, Beezer."

"Was your ship damaged in the fight?" Shiro asked.

"Yeah. We've really been through it with the galra. Parts are hard to come by. We were able to limp to this moon about a week ago. If you guys hadn't showed up..." Rolo said.

"We're happy to help. I am princess Allura of Altea, and from now on, you won't be alone in fighting the Galra. You'll have the Paladins of Voltron and the Orange Lion on your side!" Allura replied. Rolo looked at her with a confused look.

"I don't think they've heard of us.." Shiro said.

"It has been 10000 years." Keith replied.

"Voltron? Orange Lion? Five robot lions that combine into this big robot..guy.. and he rides to Orange Lion into battle?" Lance replied.

"Sounds impressive. I'd love to see it. Him.. them..?" Rolo replied.

"Why don't we just get to work on your ship. I'm sure we all have places to be." Hunk said impatiently.

"Sure," Rolo said before walking to his ship and opening up a compartment, "pretty much our whole flaxum assembly is shot. I don't know what kind of extra parts you carry in this rig of yours. I've never seen anything like it.."

"I'm sure we can get it back up and running." Allura replied.

"Also, Nyma got pretty banged up when we landed. You guys got a medic?" He asked.

"Yes, we do. Meet Dr. Thaldycon."

"Cool, nice to meet you, little lady." He replied, making Lily grumble a bit.

"Give her and Hunk a list of what you need. Coran can show you where to find it." She replied.

"We'll go with you! Don't want you to have to carry that yourself. Come on Beezer." Rolo said, walking towards the castle. Hunk stopped him.

"Uh. I don't think so. You can just wait out here." Hunk said firmly.

"Hunk! Don't be rude." Allura scolded.

"Yeah, mind your manners, there are ladies present." Lance said.

"Oh I'm sorry. But does anyone remember the last time we let our defenses down? Someone set off a bomb and almost took the castle. Remember? Lily was injured and Lance was almost killed." Hunk replied.

"Hunk's right. I'm sorry but we do have to be cautious." Shiro said.

"Hey, I don't take it personal. That's how it is out here. You gotta look out for your own. You're doing a Good Job, big man." Rolo said, handing him a list.

Inserting myself into Voltron (on hold for a bit)Where stories live. Discover now