Part 3: Castle of Lions

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As the lion exited the other side of the portal, everyone was frozen in place, trying to process what the Humpty Dumpty hell just happened.

"Whoa.. what was.." Lance was cut off by Hunk vomiting.

"And this is why we can't have nice things." Lily said.

"I'm just surprised it took this long" Pidge replied.

"I don't recognize any of these constellations," Shiro said, looking at the deep abyss of space, "we must be a long, long way from earth."

"The lion seems to want to go to this planet. I think it's going home." Lance said as the lion accelerated towards an earth-like planet. 

"Guys! Personal space! Hunk, your breath is killing me!" Lance exclaimed as the lion started its descent towards the ground.

"You, my dear, can sit on my lap if you'd like." He said to Lily, which just got him a smack upside the head.


"Guys, is it just me or is anyone else having second thoughts about flying through a mysterious wormhole? Why are we listening to a robotic lion anyway?!" Hunk asked.

"It got us away from that alien warship, didn't it?" Lance replied.

"I don't know if you noticed but we're in an alien warship." Keith said.

"Oooh are you scared?" Lance teased.

"With you at the helm, terrified." He replied.

"Alright. Knock it off. No one's happy to be in this situation but we're here now. If we want to get through this, we've got to do this together." Shiro said firmly.

"So..what do we do?" Pidge asked.

"First we find out where we're headed. Lance?" He said.

"I don't know" Lance replied.

"I'm sorry. The lions not talking to me anymore. Wait wait wait. Shh! I think I hear something.." he said. The cockpit went silent.

"Wait I'm starting to hear something."

"It's kind of a high pitched squeal?" Hunk asked.

"Is it.." lily started before the rancid smell filled her nose. She looked at Lance's shit eating grin and realized he just fucking farted.

"Come on Lance!" Everyone exclaimed, covering their noses.

"But seriously. There's a castle up ahead" Lance said. Everyone looked forward to see a huge White Castle with blue accents. The Blue Lion landed at the front entrance and allowed everyone to exit.

"Keep your guard up. My crew was captured by aliens once. I'm not gonna let it happen again." Shiro said. The lion abruptly moved, startling everyone.

"No! I knew it was gonna eat us!" Hunk exclaimed fearfully. The lion roared loudly, causing the castle door to light up and slowly open.

"Ooh the door is open. Guess I was wrong about you" Hunk said. Everyone walked into the castle and looked around in awe.

"Hello?" Hunk called, voice echoing off of the walls.

"For the size of the lion, I expected the steps to be bigger." Pidge said. Part of the ceiling started glowing and created an area of bright blue light around the six people.

"Hold for identity scan.'

A blue scanner went over each of their bodies.

"Why are we here? What do you want with us?" Shiro asked as the lights powered on.

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