Part 7: Some Assembly Required

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Lily made it back to her room and put on her armor. She went into the bathroom to comb and fix her hair, like she would if it was a normal day on earth.

"Hm," she said, putting the comb down and stepping back to look at herself in the mirror, "does this suit make my ass look big?"


"OH GREAT, AGAIN?!" she yelled, running out of their room.

"Everyone up! Zarkon is attacking!" Allura said desperately over the comms.

"The castle's about to be destroyed!" She yelled. Lily's heart pounded in her throat as she ran to the main control room as fast as she could. As she was running, she drew her sword and summoned her shield.

"Go Go Go! We need Voltron and the Orange Lion now! Hurry! We can't survive much longer!"

"WHERE IS HE. I WANT BLOOD!" Lily yelled, almost kicking down the door to the control room, weapon and shield in hand, ready to spill a tyrant's blood. However, she only saw the two Alteans.

"Oh-" she said, bringing her sword down from a fighting stance, "sorry. Fight or flight kicked in. And I'm a flightless bird." The rest of the paladins arrived, confused on why the alarms are going off for no reason.

"The Orange lion has been captured, it's Paladin slain! Oh no, Allura is dead as well! Ooooh it's horrible! Their heads fell off," Coran said dramatically before kneeling on the ground, "wait, their severed heads are trying to speak to me! What is it, Allura and Lily's head? What are your final words?"


"Oh, yes princess, doctor, I'm listening." Coran replied.

"It's over." Allura said, shutting off the alarms.

"Oh I know! If only Voltron got here in time!" Coran cried, throwing his hands up dramatically. Lily shrugged, sheathed her sword and let her shield disappear.

"Oh- time!" He said, standing up quickly when he realized they were all here.

"I..guess this wasn't an actual attack." Shiro said.

"And it's a good thing it wasn't because it took you.. Coran?" She said sternly, turning to Coran.

"75 degrees- wait this is a meat thermometer" Coran replied.

"However long it was, it was too long. You must always be ready to do battle with Zarkon." Allura said.

"Look at you! Only Shiro and Lily are in uniform! Lily was the earliest to arrive and with the proper bloodthirst required for battle! Keith, Pidge, Hunk! Where are your bayards? And where is Lance?" She scolded. As if on cue, Lance strutted into the control room, wearing a robe and Blue Lion slippers.

"Good Morning everybody. What's going on?" He asked, yawning.

"Coran and I have been up for hours getting the castle back in order. We had to run a test on the alarms and we decided to test you as well guess which one failed." Allura replied.

"Hey, you got to sleep for 10000 years man. Monday night, I was on earth. Now I've flown through space, fought some evil alien named Zarkon, eaten goo in some weird castle.. thats a lot to process in.. uh..what day is today?" Hunk asked.

"It's the third quintant of the Spicolian movement. Hump day!" Coran replied.

"It's a lot to process."

"You must understand the stakes of our mission," Allura said, pulling up a holographic map of the universe, "over the last 10000 years, the castle picked up distress beacons from the following locations. So we have to assume that Zarkon has conquered almost the entire known universe."

Inserting myself into Voltron (on hold for a bit)Where stories live. Discover now