Prolouge: Knife Buddies

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Takes place when Lily and Keith are 11

"Lily Lily! Check this out!" Keith exclaimed, running to his friend.

"What?" Lily said excitedly. She and Keith had been friends ever since they were 3. Their introverted, and slightly cynical personalities drew them together. Throughout childhood, they became like siblings to each other. Keith always brags about being older, but Lily always refutes him, saying "only by a day!"

"Dad gave me this cool knife," he said, pulling out the knife, which had a cloth around its handle, "I don't know where he got it but he said it was from someone special. Probably my mom"

"Strange.." she replied.

"I'll teach you some knife skills once I get the hang of this thing!" He said.

"Yooo that sounds cool dude!" She replied.

"Why is the handle covered by the cloth?" She asked.

"Oh shoot I don't know," he said, unraveling the cloth to reveal a weird glowing symbol.

"Oh my god!" Lily gasped, staring at the symbol.

"What?! Is it going to explode?!" Keith said, holding the knife away from him.

"No dummy. I was gonna say that somehow, I have that same exact knife," she said, pulling it out out of her back pocket, "except this was left by my dad..before he left." All the sudden, her knife started glowing. She stood there frozen, as the knife transformed into a sword. Once the glowing stopped, there was a deafening silence among the two.

" it supposed to do that..?" Keith asked.

"Who fuckin knows.." Lily replied.

"Hey, now we're knife buddies! We both got dead beat parents who left behind knives!" Keith said.


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