Sleepy Time With Redson 🌸

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Redson's tired and wants to go to bed but you're too hyper and he has to calm you down


You and redson had just finished a movie, it was an action movie that you wanted to watch for a while and redson surprised you with it. You looked at your phone and saw that it was only 11:00 pm but redson had been working on a project all day and wanted to sleep. He yawned as he got up and started walking towards the door, pulling his hair down. He motions his hand for you to follow him into the bedroom so y'all could go to bed. "C'mon, I'm tired and I want to sleep early tonight my firefly~" you groan and follow him cause you know he'll just use his pyrokinesis to teleport you in bed. You walk in your apartment bedroom and see redson using your vanity to brush his hair out. "Hm? What's so special?" Redson raised an eyebrow as he kept brushing his hair. "Nothing, just jealous that your hair is so beautiful all the time~"  you flirted with a smirk, he rolls his eyes with a small smile and puts the brush down. He walked over to you and gave you a small peck on the cheek, "it's called hygiene Y/N" he chuckled as he walked towards your bed to lay down. You gasped offended and mumbled as you later down on your side of the bed, you pull the cover over you and you could feel arms snake around waist. "Goodnight redson" "Goodnight Firefly~" he yawned out then decided to turn around so your back is against his. You smirk and pull out your phone as you begin to play games. A few hours go by and you can feel redson tossing and turning here and there as you try to keep quiet. But you lost to a boss on this game and mumbled "shit!" You immediately covered your mouth as you could hear redson stir in his sleep, he rolled over and held you with his arms over your waist and his leg on yours. You smiled and gushed at the hot headed demon, you went back you trying to beat that boss but you kept dying, you were getting angry. You kept mumbling here and there, throwing a few curse words in and shuffling. "Y/n~" A stern and groggily voice asked as you got dragged to someone. "Why don't you tell me what time it is" he said and you gulped and read out loud that it was 3:30 am. He tch'ed as he grabbed your phone and tossed it away somewhere on the bed. "H-hey! I won't be able to find my phone in the morning" you whined as redson shrugged and held you close, warming himself up. "Go to bed, you have work tomorrow anyway" redson said annoyed and tired. You cursed at yourself for apparently forgetting you had work and turned over to redson "alright alright, I'll go to bed, and long as you don't bake me to death" you smirked as you kiss his jaw, you snuggled up close to the demon as he smiled and held you closer, wanting you all to himself. You can hear him faintly snoring as you smirk and begin to feel around for your phone quietly, you grab it and nod in victory as you begin to play again. An hour and a half goes by and you had finally grounded enough to get the boss but you realized that redson wasn't snoring anymore. You froze and looked up to see him wide awake and watching you play. "I thought I said to go to bed" he said angry and groggily. "Well yeah but I wanted to beat this boss fight" you whined. He growled went to reach for your phone but you rolled to your side so he couldn't but that just made him more annoyed and now sitting on top of you because it rolled him on you. He grabbed your arms and held them above your head. "We are going to bed, alright love?~" he "asked" in a serious tone. You nodded, blushing as you realized the position you guys were in. He hummed in a response before he kissed your neck a couple of times then he laid down next to you. "Goodnight my love, for the final time~" he yawned as he quickly and finally got good sleep. "Goodnight my love~" you mumbled as you drifted off to sleep yourself.
"OH GOD DAMNIT!!" Redson shoots up as your alarm went off and you started laughing so hard your stomach hurt. He snaps his head at you and growls, you look back at him and stick your tongue out. "Alright, come here!" He shouts as he pounces at you, he began play fighting with you but in the end it turned out to him storming out of your apartment because you got him too flustered by kissing him and making jokes. You felt bad but knew he would come back after a few minutes cause he'd want more attention, and you'd be there to give it to him~

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